1、宗教社会学:sociology of religion is primarily the study of the practices, social structures, historical backgrounds, development, universal themes, and roles of religion in society. There is particular emphasis on the recurring role of religion in nearly all societies on Earth today and throughout recorded history.主要研究社会中的实践、社会结构、历史背景、发展、普遍主题和宗教作用,特别强调宗教在当今地球和整个历史上几乎所有社会中的反复作用。 4实用主义Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition centered on the linking of practice and theory. It describes a process where theory is extracted from practice, and applied back to practice to form what is called intelligent practice. Charles Sanders Peirce initiated and developed modern forms of pragmatism, along with later twentieth century contributors, William James and John Dewey. 实用主义是以实践与理论相结合为核心的哲学传统。它描述了一个从实践中提取理论,并应用于实践,形成所谓的智能实践的过程。查理·皮尔斯发起并发展了现代实用主义形式,以及后来的二十世纪贡献者威廉·詹姆斯和约翰·杜威。 5、公共领域The public sphere (German Öffentlichkeit) is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.后面 The term was originally coined by German philosopher Jürgen Habermas who defined "the public sphere as a virtual or imaginary community which does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space".[1] Communication scholar Gerard A. Hauser defines it as "a discursive space in which individuals and groups associate to discuss matters of mutual interest and, where possible, to reach a common judgment about them".[2] The public sphere can be seen as "a theater in modern societies in which political participation is enacted through the medium of talk"[3] and "a realm of social life in which public opinion can be formed".[4] 公共领域是一个地区社会生活中个人可以一起自由讨论和确定的社会问题,并通过讨论影响政治行动。这个词最初是由德国哲学家Jürgen Habermas定义“公共领域作为一个虚拟的或想象的共同体,不一定在任何可识别的空间”的存在。[ 1 ],传播学者Gerard A. Hauser将其定义为“一个话语空间中,个人和团体一起讨论共同关注的事项,在可能的情况下,为了达到一个共同的判断他们”。[ 2 ]公共领域可以被看作是“现代社会中,政治参与是通过颁布谈话”[ 3 ],“一个在公众舆论可以形成“社会生活领域中的一个剧院。[ 4 6、交际行为In sociology, communicative action is cooperative action undertaken by individuals based upon mutual deliberation and argumentation. 后面The term was developed by German philosopher-sociologist Jürgen Habermas in his work The Theory of Communicative Action在社会学中,交际行为是个体在相互协商和论证的基础上进行的合作行为。这个词是由德国哲学家社会学家J rgen哈贝马斯在他的工作ü交往行为理论的发展。 10、Neo-Kantianism新康德主义 Neo-Kantianism (German: Neukantianismus) is a revival of the 18th century philosophy of Immanuel Kant. More specifically it is influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer's critique of the Kantian philosophy in his work The World as Will and Representation (1818), as well as by other post-Kantian philosophers such as Jakob Friedrich Fries and Johann Friedrich Herbart. It has some more specific reference in later German philosophy. 新康德主义是18世纪哲学的复兴。更具体地说,它受阿瑟·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)对康德哲学的批判的影响,在他的作品《世界是意志和表征》(1818)中,以及其他后康德哲学的哲学家,如雅克布·弗里德里希·弗里德和约翰·弗里德里希·赫尔巴特。它在后来的德国哲学中有一些更具体的参考。 11.The Philosophy of Money“货币哲学” The Philosophy of Money (1900) is a book on economic sociology by the German sociologist and social philosopher, Georg Simmel.[1] Probably considered Simmel's greatest work, Simmel saw money as a structuring agent that helps us understand the totality of life.[1] “货币哲学”(1900年)是德国社会学家和社会哲学家格奥尔格·西美尔(Georg Simmel)关于经济社会学的一本书。[1]可能被认为是西美尔最伟大的著作,西美尔认为金钱是一种帮助我们理解生命整体的构造剂。 12.Antipositivism反实证主义 In social science, antipositivism (also interpretivism and negativism) proposes that the social realm cannot be studied with the scientific method of investigation applied to the natural world; investigation of the social realm requires a different epistemology. From that philosophic perspective, antipositivism proposes that social-science researchers first must be aware that the concepts, ideas, and language of research shape his or her perceptions of the social world under investigation.[1] 在社会科学中,反实证主义(也是解释主义和否定主义)提出,社会领域的研究不能用科学的方法去研究自然世界,社会领域的研究需要一种不同的认识论。从哲学的角度来看,反实证主义认为社会科学研究者首先必须意识到,研究的概念、思想和语言决定了他或她对被调查社会世界的看法。[1] 13.The Metropolis and Mental life“大都会与精神生活” The Metropolis and Mental Life (German: Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben) is a 1903 essay by the German sociologist, Georg Simmel. One of Simmel's most widely read works, The Metropolis was originally provided as one of a series of lectures on all aspects of city life by experts in various fields, ranging from science and religion to art. The series was conducted alongside the Dresden cities exhibition of 1903. Simmel was originally asked to lecture on the role of intellectual (or scholarly) life in the big city, but he effectively reversed the topic in order to analyze the effects of the big city on the mind of the individual. As a result, when the lectures were published as essays in a book, to fill the gap, the series editor had to supply an essay on the original topic himself. “大都会与精神生活”(德语:die Gro Stdte und das Geistesleben)是德国社会学家Georg Simmel 1903年的一篇文章。西美尔最广为人知的作品之一,“大都会”最初是由从科学、宗教到艺术等多个领域的专家提供的一系列关于城市生活各个方面的讲座之一。这个系列是在1903年德累斯顿城市展览的同时进行的。西美尔最初被要求讲授大城市中知识分子(或学者)生活的角色,但为了分析大城市对个人心灵的影响,他有效地扭转了这个话题。因此,当讲座作为论文发表在一本书中,以填补空白,系列编辑不得不提供一篇关于原来的主题的文章。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c220f15afd4ffe4733687e21af45b307e871f9c0.html