弄权一时 凄凉万古 栖守道德者,寂寞一时;依阿权势者,凄凉万古。达人观物外之物,思身后之身,宁受一时之寂寞,毋取万古之凄凉 One time authority, all time desertion The person following moral rules will be alone at times; The person pursuing authority will be desolate all time. Broad and smart mind will emphasize spiritual values, Will heed the frame after the decay, Will endure the temporary solitude, Will not be abandoned for eternity. 抱朴守拙 涉世之道 涉世浅,点染亦浅;历事深,机械亦深。故君子与其练达,不若朴鲁;与其曲谨,不若疏狂。 Being humble and simple for entering society (People who gain) Less experience, will be less influenced; (People who gain) More experience, will be more sophisticated. Hence, a nobleman has to waive diploma, to seek austerity; to desert caution, to get generosity. 心事宜明 才华须韫 君子之心事,天青日白,不可使人不知;君子之才,玉韫珠藏,不可使人易知。 Obvious thoughts,enshrined talents Nobleman’s thoughts, as obvious as bright sky, are easy for people to know. Nobleman’s talents, as enshrined as treasure, are hard for people to get. 出污不染 明机不用 势力纷华,不近者为洁,近之而不染者为尤洁;智械机巧,不知者为高,知之而不用者为尤高。 Live in the silt but not imbrued, know about scheme but not lured persons who approach power and wealth are not addicted to them are greater than ones who are away from them; people who know about the scheme do not employ them are greater than ones who are ignorant of them. 良药苦口 忠言逆耳 耳中常闻逆耳之言,心中常有拂心之事,才是进德修行的砥石。若言言悦耳,事事快心,便把此生埋在鸩毒中矣。 Faithful words offend the ears, good medicine tastes bitter. Frequently hearing faithful words, always worrying about affairs are the solid basis for self-cultivation. Praiseful words and cheerful affairs are toxicant for self-improvement. 静中关心 真妄毕见 夜深入静,独坐观心,始知妄穷而真独露,每于此中得大机趣;既觉真现而妄难逃,又于此中得大惭忸。 Tranquillization helps to reflect one’s heart , lust and nature Sitting alone at deep night, To slake lust and unveil nature, At this moment, people obtain a lot; Feeling hard to remove lust by nature, At this moment, people feel ashamed. 急流勇退 百折不回 恩里由来生害,故快意时须早回首;败后或反成功,故拂心处莫便放手。 To retire when ridding the crest of success, to strive when facing the repeated failures Always getting benefits will be harmful, Thus, mirth will not be a good thing; failures afterwards will be successful, Thus, misery will not be a bad thing. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c5171462fd4733687e21af45b307e87101f6f867.html