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suggested;the doctor suggested


1. Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners. 病人大多数是在他们的全科医生建议下转往医院就医。

2. Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry. 一些医生建议每天留出一点时间来解决烦心事。

3. The doctor advised me to take a capsule this morning. 生建议我今天早晨服一粒胶囊.

4. The doctor suggested I should have more outdoor exercise. 医生建议我多做点户外活动.

5. The doctor advised more moderation in eating and drinking. 医生建议在饮食方面应更加节制.

6. The doctor advised me to lay off cigarettes. 医生建议我戒.

7. The doctor advised an immediate operation. 医生建议马上开刀.

8. The doctor advised hospitalization for the child. 医生建议让小孩住院.

9. The doctor advised a light diet. 医生建议吃清淡的食物. 10. Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying. 有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。

11. She went to her doctor, who offered to put her on a

course of tranquillizers. 她去看医生,医生建议她服用一个疗程的镇静剂。

12. A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment. 一个医生建议她去找有酬劳的工作。

13. Doctors recommended that the drug should be taken off the market. 医生建议市面上应停止出售该类药物.

14. The doctor told him to cut down his consumption of fat. 医生建议他减少脂肪的摄取量.

15. The doctor advised me to lie up for a week. 医生建议我卧床一星期.

16. The doctor advised me to reduce the salt uptake. 医生建议我减少盐的摄入.

17. Most doctors advise cutting down on coffee and tobacco. 大多数医生建议少喝咖啡,少吸烟.

18. The doctor advised Jim to lay off alcohole. 医生建议吉姆停止喝酒.

19. Marie Curie's lungs became affected by this exposure, and doctors orderedher to bed. 由于实验中长期接触射线, 居里夫人的肺部受到了感染.医生建议她卧床休息.

20. Another operation had been advised by the doctor and there was hope forrecovery. 医生建议再做手术还有希望痊愈.

21. What is the doctor's advice to Bonn? 医生建议波恩怎么做? 22. The doctor advised my mother to live where the air fresher. 医生建议我母亲住在空气更新鲜的地方.

23. Doctors said Rick should be put a facility for people like him. 医生建议瑞克应该被送到照看像他这样的人的疗养院.

24. According to the doctor, you ought to diet and take more exercise. 根据医生建议, 你应该节食并多做运动.

25. Doctors suggest getting a tetanus vaccination every ten years. 医生建议每十年注射一次破伤风疫苗.
