Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 试卷讲评课教案 磐石四中 包伟 知识目标:Target language in this unit. 能力目标:Make polite requests; Ask for permission 情感目标:Let student learn to help each other. 过程与方法: 学习重点:Go over the target language in this unit. 学习难点:Could ask for polite requests and permission. 教学工具:PPT. 学习过程: Step1 Greeting Show the picture of the school and ask them if they can keep the school clean 设计意图:通过幻灯片引入本课内容 Step2 Presentation Task1. Discuss the test papers in their own groups.Then let one student in each group come to the front and explain to other students. 设计意图:小组讨论,合作探究,发挥学生的能动性,讲解典型试题。 Task2 :Show some pictures to solve and consolidate the main language points in this unit. 设计意图:通过幻灯片,进一步巩固本单元基础知识。 Task3 Sum up the rules of filling the conversation .Then let the students make their own dialogues. 设计意图:总结补全对话做题的技巧,自编对话,提升学生的交际能力。 Task4: Let students introduce how to do the reading well and help the students find some ways. 设计意图:总结阅读题做题的技巧,提升学生的阅读理解能力。 Task5 :Show a student’s passage and tell them how to write this kind of article. 设计意图:通过作文的范例,讲解作文的写作方法,提高学生写作水平。 Step3 Summary. 设计意图:1.总结本节课的优胜小组。 2.总结本节课的收获。 Step4 Homework. 通过写留言或祝福,相互关心,相互鼓励,进行德育教育。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c96407672d3f5727a5e9856a561252d380eb202c.html