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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section (3a) 教学设计

ILanguage goal:

1The students should understand the main idea of the short passage by fast reading

2After class, the students can find the detailed message the passage 3The students can use the language points freely of this class 4Develop the students’ habits of helping their parents do some chores they can

II Important points and difficulties:

The students can find the detailed message of the passage after class IIITeaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings T: Hello, everyone? Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang! T: How are you?

Ss: I am fine, thank you, and you?

T: Well, I am not finebecause I am tired of so many chores And do you often do chores at home? Ss: Yes /No Step 2 Leading in

(通过问题引起学生的思考,进行头脑风暴复习上节课的重点短语,导入新课) T: Yes? What chores do you often do at home? Show a question on the screen: What chores do you often do at home? Ss: do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, make the bed,

fold the clothes and clean the living room… T: Great You are lovely boys and girls Your mother must love you very much Let’s look at the screen Read after me, please! Do the things we can, do the things to help our parents It’s the idea of fairness(公平) (借此进行情感教育) Step 3 Reading 1 Pre-reading

Show the picture of 3a

T: My class, look at the picture What do you think of it? Ss: So terrible It’s dirty

T: This is Nancy’s home Do you know why Nancy’s mom was angry with her? You can guess (停顿,给学生几秒钟动脑猜测的时间) Ss: Discussing

T: And do you know whether they solve the problem and how?


2 Fast-reading (带着任务快速阅读,掌握大意)

T: Ok Read the passage quickly and answer the two questions Ask two of the students to answer and then show one possible answer 1) Why was Nancy’s mom angry with her?

Nancy wanted to watch TV first before taking the dog for a walk Nancy watched TV all the time instead of helping out the house 2) Did they solve the problem? How?

Nancy and her mom didn’t do any housework for a week And at last Nancy understood they need to share the housework and she cleaned the house

3 Detailed reading (精读课文,掌握细节:在阅读的过程中,学习重点单词、短语和句式) T: Now you got the main idea of the passage Let’s read and get more details Read 3a carefully and answer the following questions 1) What did Nancy do when she came back home from school last month? (and) 2) What did her mother wanted her to do?

3) Why didn’t she do what her mother told her? (because) 4) Was her mother angry? How did you know that?

5) Did Nancy and her mother do the housework the whole week? (as a result) 6) What did Nancy understand? (finally) Ss: reading

T: Ok Time is up The first one: s1

S1: She threw down her bag, went to the living room and sat down in front

of the TV

T: good job Sit down, please Pay attention to throw down, please

The past tense is threw Remember it Next one, what did her mother wanted her to do? S2 S2: Her mom came over to want her to take the dog for a walk T: Yes Thank you The minute she sat down, her mom came over to want her to take the dog for a walk Here, the minute…means as soon as…

For example, the minute I got into the house, it began to rain It also means it began to rain as soon as I got into the house You got it? Ok We also can say her mother came over as soon as she sat down Now I would like you to make a sentence using the minute or as soon as…

Ss: Making sentences Ask some of them to present

T: No 3 why didn’t she do what her mother told her? S3

S3: She didn’t do what her mother told her because she wanted to watch

TV and have a rest T: Good job Thank you very much T: No4 Was her mother angry? Ss: Yes

T: How did you know that?

Ss: She didn’t say anything and walked away

T: The last but one: Did Nancy and her mother do the housework the whole

week? Ss: No, they didn’t

T: Read the sentence in the passage Her mother did not do any housework

and neither did she

Neither: 两者都不。We also can say neither of them did any housework Pay attention to neither of

T: The last one, what did Nancy understand? S4, you please

S4: Finally, she understood that she should share the housework to have

a clean and comfortable home T: Excellent! Well, I think all of you did good jobs, today Thank you,

thank you very much So much for the questions

Step4 Post-reading(六个问题的答案组合起来正是本篇短文的大意) T: My dear class, here are the answers of the above 6 questions Read them and you will find they can make up the whole story Read by yourself T: Look at the mind map Can you retell the whole story according to this mind map? Just have a try (初次复述,借助思维导图,再次进行复述时则省去提示,一步步增加难度)

Came back from school Nancy ……Threw down her bag last month

··············Went to watch TV

……mom……Wanted Nancy to take the dog for a walk ……reasons……

……Nancy……Worked all day at school and tired

……mom……Worked all day and did housework all evening

……Neither of them did the housework

for one week

……Couldnt find a clean dish or a clean shirt …… the next day ……Be surprised ……Did the chores

……finally……Understood they need to share the housework

Ask one of them to retell and then ask two of them to retell without the mind map

Step5 Writing (将整片短文设计成Nancy给妈妈的回信,变换人称,加深学生对短文内容的理解) 1 Group work

T: Nancys mom came home from work; she found a note on the desk Class, do you know who write the note and what the note is about? Now you can discuss in your group? Ss: discussing

T: Time is limited Let’s look at the screen Nancy wrote this note to her mother The note is made up of the following three parts 1) Say sorry to her mother: Didn’t do housework and just watch TV 2) What she did: do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish wash the clothes

3) What she understood: do what she can, share the housework 2Writing

T: And the beginning is given:

Dear Mom,

I leave this note to let you know that

My dear class, could you please write this note for Nancy to her mother Now you can begin And I would like to ask two of you to present it on the blackboard Ss: Writing

T: Ok Let’s check your answers together T and ss: Checking

T: I think both of the two students did a good job

Then I would like all of you to check your work with your partners Ss: Checking

T: time is up Do you still remember the notes? Read together, please!

Do the things we can

Do the things to help our parents It is the idea of fairness Step 6 Homework

T: So much for this class Here is your today’s homework

1 Make sentences using the following phrases throw down the minute as soon as

2 Do the exercises of this class in your exercise book 3 Help your parents with some chores after school

T: Class is over Thank you, thank you very much Goodbye, my class

Ss: Goodbye, Miss Zhang
