教授头衔:大学教师的梦想还是梦魇--从浙江大学“最年轻教授博导”谈起 刘尧 【期刊名称】《当代教师教育》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)002 【摘 要】在大学教书,获取教授头衔是教师的梦想。然而,在追求教授梦的征途中,有些教师年轻轻的就圆了梦,而有些教师却屡遭梦魇。从表面上看,这是一个教学与科研孰轻孰重的问题;从本质上看,则是一个涉及教学或科研、教师或学者、公平或效率、经历或经验等内容的教师职业发展问题。教授是大学教师的最高职务,并非什么人都能当。即便是大学教师,因其职业发展的多样性,不是也不能更不需要人人都晋升到教授。教授有严格的任职标准,只有长期探索学术问题、亲历亲为育人实践、养成自觉学术品行,收获学术创新成就的人,才有资格享有“教授头衔”。因此说,“教授头衔”不是奖品,不可用于奖励;也不是礼物,不能用于赠送;更不是商品,不可用于交易。%Teaching at university, obtaining the title of professor is a teacher’ s dream.However, in the pursuit of the dream, some teachers are successful when young; some have been repeatedly meeting their nightmares.On the surface, this is a conflict between teaching and research.In essence, it is a matter of teaching or research, teacher or scholar, fairness or efficiency, teacher professional development experience or other experiences.The title of professor is the highest faculty position and is not available for every personnel.For university teachers, owing to diversified professional development, it is not possible and necessary for everyone to be promoted to professor.The title of professor and its rigor requirements are only for the one who has long devoted to academic exploration, who has had conducted the training of the young, who has formed his own academic innovation and morality, and who enjoys academic harvest. Therefore the professor title is not a prize, nor a gift, nor a commodity. 【总页数】7页(P6-12) 【作 者】刘尧 【作者单位】浙江师范大学教育评论研究所,浙江金华321004 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】G451 【相关文献】 1.转型:最简单就是提高劳动生产率——专访浙江大学管理学院教授邢以群2.2.5产业:高附加值的"中间产业"——对话浙江大学管理学院教授、博导魏江3.浙商如何变局——访浙江大学经济学院常务副院长、博导姚先国教授4."医"路在"拼",最年轻院长的"实干"片段——访浙江大学绍兴医院(绍兴市人民医院)院长郭航远教授5.中国最年轻的女教授——访北大化学系来鲁华教授 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c9b2fb2df142336c1eb91a37f111f18583d00ca8.html