燕山大学本科生学业成绩评定说明 学生在校学习总成绩采用加权平均学分绩点进行评定, 与绩点、百分制的对应关系如下: 五级制 A+ A B+ B C+ c C D+ D 单门课程原则上采用五级制记录成绩, 五级制 对应绩点 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 百分制 96-100 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 60以下 F 加权平均学分绩点的计算方法: 加权平均学分绩点=E [(非学位课绩点x非学位课课程学分) *1.2]/刀[非学位课课程学分 +学位课课程学分*1.2] + (学位课绩点x学位课课程学分) 若学生向国外学校提交留学申请,外方学校要求学生提供均分总评成绩时,学校可按照如下方法提 供均分成绩: 1. 加权平均分的计算方法: 加权平均分=E[(非学位课分数x非学位课课程学分) 学位课课程学分+学位课课程学分*1.2] 2. 算术平均分的计算方法: +(学位课分数x学位课课程学分) *1.2]/刀[非 算术平均分=所有课程分数总和/课程总门数 其中,单门课程五级制成绩与百分制均分取值对应关系如下: 五级制 A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D 百分制均分 98 92.5 87 82 77 72 67 62 50 E 特此说明。 燕山大学教务处 Introduction to evaluation of scores for undergraduates Yan sha n Uni versity The total score of stude nts in school is assessed by weighted average grade poin ts. The conversion of the hun dred-mark system, the five-letter gradi ng system and the grade point is show n. The five-letter grading system A+ The grade point 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2 5 2.0 1.5 1 0 0 The hundred-mark system 96-100 90-95 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 Relow 60 in A B+ B C+ C D+ D The calculati on method of the weighted average grade point: Weighted average grade point = E [(n ondegree grade points non-degree courses credits) + (degree grade points x degree courses credits) * 1.2] / -degree coEs^onredits + degree courses credits* 1.2] If a stude nt submits an applicati on for study abroad to a foreig n school and the foreig n school requires the stude nt to provide the average score, the school can provide the average score as follows: 1. The calculation method of the weighted average score : Weighted average score = E [(non -degree score x non-degree courses credits) + (degree score x degree courses credits) * 1.2] / -degBefraoiurses credits + degree courses credits* 1.2] 2. The calculation method of the arithmetic mean : Arithmetic mean = Sum of all course scores / Total nu mber of courses The corresp onding relati on ship betwee n the five-letter gradi ng system scores of a sin gle course and the average score of the centesimal system is as follows : The five-letter grading system A+ A B+ R C+ c D+ D Centesimal average 98 92 5 87 82 77 72 67 62 50 -------------------------------------- Office of Academic Affairs, Yan sha n Un iversity Date 04/ 12/ 2014 (DD/MM/YY YY) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cb9e84a8ba4ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9705de01.html