______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 领导力、组织行为学、SWOT英文翻译 领导力(Leadership)就是指在管辖的范围内充分的利用人力和客观条件在以最小的成本办成所需的事提高整个团体的办事效率。 Leadership is the accomplishment of a goal at minimum cost by making the best use of human resources and objective conditions in one’s jurisdiction, which improves the efficiency of a team. 组织行为学(Organizational Behavioural Science )所谓组织行为学是研究在组织中以及组织与环境相互作用中,人们从事工作的心理活动和行为的反应规律性的科学。组织行为学综合运用了心理学、社会学、文化人类学、生理学、生物学,还有经济学、政治学等学科有关人的行为的知识与理论,来研究一定组织中的人的行为规律。近年来出版了很多与组织行为学有关并以此命名的书籍。 Organizational Behavioural Science is an academic discipline concerned with researching the reaction regularity of people's psychology and behaviour in an organisation or in the interaction between organisation and environment. Many academic disciplines related to human behaviour (including psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, physiology, biology, economics and politics) are synthetically used in organizational behavioural science to research the reaction regularity in a certain organisation. In recent years, many publications related to organizational behavioural science appeared. 精品资料 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SWOT是一种分析方法,用来确定企业本身的竞争优势,竞争劣势,机会和威胁,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机结合。因此,清楚的确定公司的资源优势和缺陷,了解公司所面临的机会和挑战,对于制定公司未来的发展战略有着至关重要的意义. SWOT is a method of analysis used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in an enterprise so that the corporate strategy can be integrated into both internal and external environment of the firm. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the advantages and defects of the corporate resources as well as the company’s opportunities and challenges in order to decide the future development strategies of the enterprise. 精品资料 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cbe58a7af31dc281e53a580216fc700abb685236.html