
时间:2022-12-26 12:04:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
广交会 Canton Fair 全称“中国进出口商品交易会” China import and export fair


电子及家电类:Electronics & Household Electrical Appliances 照明类:Lighting Equipment

车辆及配件类:Vehicles & Spare Parts 机械类:Machinery

五金工具类:Hardware Tools 建材类:Building Materials 化工产品类:Chemical Products 进口展区:International Pavilion 附近的一些展馆和酒店: 中洲国际商务展示中心:CACF

保利国际展览中心:PolyJinhan Fair 广州国际采购中心:GZ ISE 吉盛伟邦:JSWB

广交会威斯汀酒店:The Westin PaZhou 广州香格里拉大酒店:Shangri-La Hotel 地点交通名称:

琶洲A馆:PaZhou Complex A 展场东路:ZhanChang Dong Road 会展西路:Exhibition West Road 会展南二路:Exhibition South Road 2 新港东路:XinGang Dong Road 阅江中路:YueJiang Zhong Road

西广场A区:the area A of west square 人行道:sidewalk/pavement 天桥:overbridge 隧道:tunnel

地铁站:subway station 场馆门号 Gate 酒店巴士 hotel bus 对话英语

必须首先表明身份Hello,Im a volunteer. I offer help for free.

Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 请再说一次:Could you say that again, please? Could you repeat that please? Could you write that down? Could you speak a litter more slowly, please? You mean is that right?

打断别人的话:Excuse me for interrupting you. Excuse me a moment.

Wait a moment, please.


You can take the free shuttle bus/hotel bus.


Sorry,I cant help you watch over the luggage.You can go to the Left Luggage Office to leave your luggage. 谢谢你的支持:Thanks for your support. 不用谢,这是我们应该做的!

Youre so welcome. Its my pleasure to help you.


广交会邀请函:Canton Fair Invitation Letter 境外有效证件:Overseas Valid ID 沿着这条路走:walk along this road 向右转:turn right 对面:opposite
