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Yeshe plays football He is a goalkeeper. 2、他踢足球。

He played soccer ball. 3、他踢足球时膝盖骨脱臼了。

He displaced a bone in his knee while playing football. 4、他踢足球的时候,也会穿着制服。

When he plays footballhe wears a uniform. 5、他踢足球胖了些。

He is too fat to play football. 6、当他踢足球时,感觉很兴奋。

He feel excited when he plays football. 7、这个足球可能是约翰的,因为他踢足球。 Whose is this soccer ball It might be John's. 8、除了打篮球以外,他踢足球也踢得很好。 Besides basketball he also plays soccer well. 9、他踢足球时扭伤了脚脖子。

He sprained his ankle when playing football. 10、他踢足球踢了一个小时。 He played football for an hour. 11、他踢足球的时候把腿伤了。

He broke his leg when he was playing football. 12、他踢足球时把脚踢伤了。

He had his foot hurt while playing football. 13、他踢足球时,腿受伤了。

When he played football he hurt his leg. 14、他踢足球把腿踢伤了。

He hurt his leg while playing football. 15、他踢足球时伤了腿。

He hurt his leg while playing football.
