
时间:2023-03-18 12:34:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. Mahua, fried dough twist 麻花

When talking about delicacies in Northern China's Tianjin, people may initially think of mahua, or fried dough twist.

Made of flour, sesame, walnut, peanuts and sweet-scented o *** anthus, the snack usually es deep fried. A variety of flavors are available regardless if you prefer to eat sweet or salty.

Out of the variety of shops that sell mahua, the 18th Street shop is the most renowned. Tianjin's Hexi district hosts a museum of mahua, where you can learn about the history of the fried food and get a glimpse of how it is made on the factory line.

If you go:

Guifaxiang Mahua Cultural Museum, 32 Dongting Road, Hexi district, Tianjin. 88812002 ext 8888

2. Goubuli baozi 狗不理包子

Baozi, or steamed buns with filling, is a popular staple food in North China.

Goubuli, a time-honored chain restaurant in Tianjin with a

history of more than a hundred years, is the most famed brand of its kind.

Gaobuli's buns are known for their savory taste and exquisite ingredients, such as semi-leavened dough, and how they turn out, with exactly 18 creases on each bun.

3. Jianbing 煎饼

Jianbing, or fried crepe topped with egg and garnish, is a Chinese snack that has seen international fame in the US recently. New York-born Brian Goldberg opened his "Mr. Bing" kiosk out of his personal fondness of the Chinese food, which became an instant hit among New Yorkers.

A tasty and crispy jianbing is made by pouring batter (made of rice or beans) onto a circular hotplate. After carefully spreading the batter with a spatula, an egg is cracked on top. Green onions, a crispy cracker and any other ingredients that the consumers like are added before the snack is folded into a tidy pocket.

4. Erduoyan fried rice cake 耳朵眼炸糕

Zhagao, or fried rice cake, is glutinous rice dough made into dumplings filled with sweet bean paste. It is then deep-fried until the skin is crisp but the insides remain cottony soft.

Erduoyan fried cake is the most popular. It was first made on a little handcart but eventually developed into one of the most
