精品word完整版-行业资料分享 月饼的制作过程: 1、 皮的准备: 原料:面粉300g(2.25cups),糖浆200g (2/3cups), 花生油100g (1/3cups),小苏打(baking soda)半茶匙。 做法:首先把糖浆倒入面盆里,再一点点倒入油,搅拌均匀。然后再一点点倒入面,最后用铲子拌匀和成面团。 2、 馅的准备: 1) 豆沙 (可做8个50g月饼内馅) a) 原料:红豆300g 花生油 50g(2tbsps) 糖50g (1/4cups) b) 做法:红豆浸泡后,放入砂锅,多放些一些水,用水煮3个小时至红豆酥烂,取出过筛; 锅内放花生油中火加热,红豆泥入锅,均匀翻炒后加白糖搅匀。 2) 莲蓉(可做8个50g月饼内馅) a) 原料:莲子300g 花生油 40g(2 tbsp) 糖60g(1/3 cups) b) 做法:莲子浸泡(浸泡四个小时以上,一般是上班前泡好,晚上回家可以用了);莲子中间的芯有苦味,需去芯后加水煮放入砂锅用水煮3个小时至莲子软绵,取出,用搅拌机打碎,过筛成莲泥;锅内放花生油,莲泥入锅,均匀翻炒后加白糖搅匀,如喜欢可加入奶油。 3、 包制和烤制过程: 1) 制饼:首先把和好的大面团揪成大小相等的小面团,然后把它们擀成皮儿。最后把馅儿放到皮儿里,包成团。 2) 压模:首先在模子里撒些面,然后把包好的面团放到模子里,压平,最后扣出。 3) 烤制: 首先把一个鸡蛋调成蛋汁,然后把月饼放入烤盘内,再用毛刷刷上一层调好的蛋汁,最后放入烤箱。烤箱的温度为摄氏180度,华氏356度。约烤16分钟左右或烤至边缘微黄。中间要取出一次,再刷一遍蛋汁。取出,待凉食用。 Mooncake DIY 1、 Dough instructions: 1) Ingredients: 300g flour (2.25cups), 200g syrup (2/3cups), 100g oil (1/3cups), half teaspoon baking soda 2) Instructions: First put the flour onto the chopping board and spread it into a ring. Then pour the syrup and oil inside the ring. Finally, mix them up with a scoop into the dough. 2、 Filling Instructions: 1) Red bean paste: a) Ingredients (8 servings for 50g each filling): 300g red beans, 50g peanut (sunflower seed)oil (2 tbsp), 50g sugar (1/4cups) 精品word完整版-行业资料分享 b) Instructions: Soak red beans in water to cover 2 hours. Drain and discard the water. Cover with 8 cups fresh water and bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat about 2 hours or until skins open. Strain the beans and discard the skins. Place the strained beans in several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze out any excess water. Place in a saucepan with the oil and the sugar. Cook, stirring continuously, until almost all the moisture has evaporated. Let cool. Divide this into 8 portions and shape into balls. 2) Lotus seed paste: a) Ingredients (8 servings for 50g each filling): 300g lotus seeds, 40g peanut (sunflower seed)oil (2 tbsp), 60g sugar (1/3cups) b) Instructions: Soak lotus seeds in water to cover 4 hours. Drain and discard the water. Remove the bitter core. Cover with 8 cups fresh water and bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat about 2 hours or until skins open. Strain the lotus seed and discard the skins. Place the strained lotus seed in several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze out any excess water. Place in a saucepan with the oil and the sugar. Cook, stirring continuously, until almost all the moisture has evaporated. Let cool. (if you like, you can put some cream in) Divide this into 8 portions and shape into balls. 3、 Mold and bake 1) Molding instructions: First, divide the dough into 8 equal portions, and then roll out each piece of dough into a flaky dough. Place one portion of filling in the center. Gather the edges to enclose the filling and pinch to seal. Sprinkle the a little bit flour into the mold. Place the filled packet in the mold, gently pressing to fit. Invert and remove the mold. Repeat process for remaining moon-cakes. 2) Baking instructions: First arrange moon-cakes on a baking sheet, and then brush each cake with one beaten egg. At last put the bake sheet into the oven. Bake about 16 minutes at 356 degrees Fahrenheit or just until the outside edges are slightly brown. Brush them with the beaten egg again in between. Let cool before serving. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d30d7665a16925c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8ed9a.html