矮小用英文形式怎么样表达 表达矮小的英文:pygmyism 英 ['pɪgmɪɪzəm] 美 ['pɪgmɪɪzm] 例句 1. This demonstrates that pygmyism is not a result of early malnutrition, as another hypothesis has it. 这说明,侏儒症并不像那些假说认为的是早期营养不良导致。 2. Children ----- anorexia, monophagia, pica, ulcer in mouth, low IQ, pygmyism, immunity inefficiency, agenesis 儿童--厌食,偏食异食癖。口腔溃疡,智商低下,免疫力差,反复生病,侏儒症。第二性发育不全 3. This demonstrates that pygmyism is not a result of earlymalnutrition, as another hypothesis has it. 这表示侏儒并不是如有些假设所称的那样是因为早期营养不良的结果。 4. One of the papers, written by Andrea Migliano and her colleagues at Cambridge University, looks at a local outcome of human evolution—the short stature often known as pygmyism—and tries to explain the evolutionary circumstances that cause it. 其中一篇文章是由Andrea Migliano和她的剑桥大学同事们发表的。文章着眼于人类进化的一个局部结果-被成为侏儒症的身材矮小,并试着说明导致这个结果的进化环境。 表达矮小的英语:dwarfism 英 [ˈdwɔ:fɪzəm] 美 [ˈdwɔ:rfɪzəm] dwarfism 基本解释 名词 矮小,矮态; 矮小性 双语例句 1. Among MONSTERS, giantism, dwarfism, scales, hair, slime, claws and tentacles prevail. 在流行怪兽、巨人化、矮人化、鳞片、长毛、粘质、爪子和触角的年代,H.G。 2. In people the condition is known vulgarly as dwarfism. 而在人类社会中,人们普遍称拥有此特征的人为侏儒。 3. Character flaws are a way to enrich your role-playing experience; after all, who can forget Jamie`s infamy, Tyrion`s dwarfism, or Jon`s bastardy? 玩家的缺点会丰富你扮演的体验;试想一下,谁能忘怀詹姆的丑行,提利昂的身材或是琼恩的出身? 4. A form of dwarfism accompanied by fragile bones and bad teeth. 骨质脆弱为特征的矮小症。 表达矮小的短语:short and small 例句 1. A possible reasons may be insufficient cases, small andatypical family, too short gene screening field; becase heterogeneity exists in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, there may be gene mutation in other regions except the 5~ exons of the CHRNA4 and CHRNB2 genes in nAChR. There may also be other unknown responsible genes except nAChR. 可能的原因为病例数少,家系不典型,筛选基因范围过窄,未能有阳性发现;由于特发性夜间额叶癫痫存在遗传异质性,可能存在nAChR中CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子以外的'其他位点的基因突变,也可能存在nAChR以外的其他尚未明确的责任基因。 2. Despite this, small town and urban area of the house or used in short supply, supply constraints. 尽管这样,市中心及柯桥城区的小面积房子还是供不应求,房源紧张。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d3a494a8bc1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcbde.html