
时间:2022-07-28 03:07:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.Many students think it to learn English by using news. A.interest B.interseting C. interested D.interests 2.The bread smells and it sells .

A.well;good B. good;good C.good;well D.well;well 3.Did you go to the cinema last night?

Oh,no.I go to the cinema .The tickets,you know are too expensive. A.always B.hardly C.usually D.often 4.Sam




twin brothers.But Sam is than Sandy. A.more outgoing B.very outgoing C.the most interesting D.much outgoing

5.Mum likes making pies and the pies she cooks always taste A.good B.well C.bad D.badly 6.Lucy is the student who writes of the two. A.carefully B.the more careful C.the more carefully D.themost carefully

7.Its so cold today.

Yes,its colder than it was yesterday. A.some B.more C.very D.much

8.Elephants eat ,but they can move when necessary.

A.noisy;silent B.noisily;silently C.noisily;silence D.noisy;silence 9.The door is not for the elephant to pass.

A.wide enough B.widely enough C.enough wide D.enough widely

10.The food looks ,but it tastes .

A.good;terrible B.well;terrible

C.good;terribly D.well;terribly

11.John sings so well.Has he ever been trained?

No.He learns all by himself.He goes to any training class. A.usually B.often

C.never D.even

12.Excuse me. Is the park? Its next to the supermarket. A.What B.When

C.Where D.Which

13.The Yellow River is in China. A.the longest river B.the longer river

in her class.

A.more active;more actively B.active;more actively C.the second longest river C.more active;the most actively

D.the second longest rivers 14.I think English is as as maths.

I agree with you. A.more interesting B.most interesting C.the most interesting D.interesting

15.He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games. Great!No one speaks English him. A.as beautiful as B.as badly as C.worse than D.better than 16.I dont think history is more useful than pysics. I disagree.In my opinion,history is physics.

A.as useful as B.not so useful as

C.less useful than D.the most useful of 17.Linda is one of students in our chass. A.good B.better C.best D.the best

18.Lucy is a(n) student.She

answers the teachers questions D.active;the most actively

19.Its said that Mo Yans speech was wonderful.

Thats true.We clapped our hands many times during his speech yesterday. A.excited B.excitedly C.exciting D.excitingly 20.People usually like the TV




programmes but advertisements. A.few B.little C.fewer D.less

21.After the earthquake,we heard of lots of stories,and all of us were deeply .

A.moving;moved B.moving;moving C.moved;moving D.moved;moved

22.The picture is,I have to say,not a bit beautiful. Why?Its than the pictures I have ever seen.

A.far more beautiful B.much less beautiful

C.no more beautiful

D.any less beautiful B.the more quickly

23.Everyone knows Canada is C.most quickly the second largest country in D.the most quickly the world. 28.Do you enjoy Han Leis songs? That is, it is larger than Yes.He is the winner of Im A

country in Asia.

A.any B.any other C.other D.another

24.There are many beautiful flowers in the world,but in parents eyes,their children are the of all. A.as beautiful as B.more beautiful C.most beautiful D.beautiful

25.The weather is becoming . A.hotter and hotter B.more hot and hot C.hoter and hoter D.more and more hot 26.Water is the cheapest drink.And it is also . A.healthier B.healthiest C.the healthier D.the healthiest

27.We are so glad to see Meizhou is developing these years than it did before. A.more quickly

Singer 2.I cant think of anyone with a voice. A.better B.best

C.more D.most

29.What do you think of receiving and giving gifts? I think the art of receiving a gift is than the art of giving.

A. much more difficult B.very more difficult C.much difficult D.as difficult as

30.Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever? Yes.It sounds . A.well B.loudly

C.sweet D.beautifully
