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【期刊名称】《宏观质量研究》 【年(),期】2013(000)003

【摘 要】随着我国老龄化程度的不断加深,城市老年人的生活质量日益成为一个不可忽视的问题。本研究以中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据库为资料来源,探讨了影响城市老年人生活质量的主客观因素的作用路径。研究结果表明,老年人的家庭经济条件对主观满意度高低有明显影响,且老年人的家庭经济条件、晚年生活丰富程度、危机意识三个潜在变量之间存在着正向相关关系。最后,在分析结果基础上为提高城市老年人生活质量提出了对策性政策建议。%As the aging of

population is deepening in China,urban older peoples quality of life has gradually become grave problems in our country.Based on the database of China General Social Survey 2006 (CGSS 2006 )as the information

source,this research has discussed in detail the influencing pathways of obj ective and subj ective factors pertaining to their quality of life.The results showed that the family economic conditions of the old people markedly influence their subj ective satisfaction towards everyday life,and there exist positive correlations between pairs of family economic conditions,the degree of life richness and the crisis consciousness.In the end,this research also puts forward relevant policy suggestions intending to improve the level of elderly citizensquality of life. 【总页数】8(P79-86)

【作 者】周长城;徐鹏

【作者单位】武汉大学社会学;武汉大学社会学 【正文语种】 【相关文献】

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