
时间:2022-04-30 14:59:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. 在人的一生中什么事情都可能会发生,所以我们应该既抱最好的希望又要做最坏的打算。(therefore) Anything may happen in one’s life, and therefore one should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

2. 直到他在车祸中受了伤才明白遵守交通规则多么重要。(until) Not until he was injured in the accident did he realize how important it is to observe the traffic rules.

3. 为了帮助学生学好英语,教师应该是学生尽可能多地接触活的语言环境。(expose)

In order to help students learn English well, the teachers should have them exposed as much as possible to the living language environment.

4. 周围邻居在听到了叫救命地尖叫声后,马上给警方打了电话。(After hearing) After hearing the scream for help, the neighbors immediately called the police.

5. 此药如遵医嘱服用,对病人疗效显著,但完全康复仍需时日。(if taken)

The medicine, if taken with a doctor’s directions, usually has good effect on the patient, but complete recovery might take a long time. 6. 不可否认,电脑的迅速发展已经导致了其他领域里的一系列革命性的变化。(no denying) There is no denying that the fast development of

computers has led to a series of revolutionary changes in other fields.

7. 外宾们迫切想要品尝一下美味的中国菜。(anxious)

The foreign visitors were anxious to taste the delicious Chinese dishes.

8. 他询问了许多,为的是尽可能地多了解有关各所大学的情况。(to get) He inquired a lot to get as much information as possible about different universities.

9. 大家都知道工业上有很多种类的金属,每种都有自己特殊的性质和功能。(…,having…) Everyone knows that there are many kinds of metals in industry, each having its own properties and functions.

10. 许多人都不愿意离开自己出生和长大的地方。(where)

Not many people like to leave where they were born and raised. 11. 你不必另外付费就可以从因特网上下载尽可能多的信息。(charge) You can download from the Internet as much information as you need with no extra charge.

12. 他在日本三年,除了在餐馆打工挣钱外什么也没有干,回来时一句正确的日语都说不上。(nothing but) During his three-year stay in Japan, he did nothing but make money by working in restaurants. When it was time to return, he could hardly say a correct sentence in Japanese.

13. 新落成的教学大楼将以那位著名的科学家的名字命名,来纪念他举世无双的成就。(memory)

The newly-completed classroom building will be named after that well-known scientist in memory of his unique achievements.

14. 星期天他整天躺在床上看电视或看杂志,东西都了吃。(forgetting) On Sunday she lay in bed all day watching TV or reading magazines, forgetting to get anything to eat.

15. 因为难以入睡,他吃一粒安眠药试试。(try)

As he could not easily go to sleep, he tried taking a sleeping pill before turning in.

16. 英语掌握得好有助于找到好工作。(command)

A good command of English will help one to get a good job. 17. 有点儿知识的人似乎都能顺利地解出这道题。(with)

It seems that anyone with a little knowledge will have the least difficulty solving such a problem.

18. 看到这张照片老人经常想起他失踪多年的女儿。(The sight of)

The sight of the photo frequently reminds the old man of his missing daughter who was lost many years ago.

19. 任何一个考试中作弊的人都将受到严惩。(cheat)

Anyone who cheats in the exam will be severely punished. 20. 电脑的迅速发展已导致包括工业、交通、医药教育在内的其他领域里一系列的变化。


The rapid development of the computer has led to a series of

changes in other fields including industry, transportation, medicine and education.
