
时间:2022-08-11 02:52:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



My favorite - Dragon Boat Festival. A hot and noisy Festival; a happy festival; a peaceful Festival. Lets review the origin and customs of Dragon Boat Festival.


Dragon Boat Festival and weighing five, Tianzhong Festival, May Festival and so on. It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival came from a man named Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a talented, dignified and ambitious Erlu doctor, but his talent was nowhere to be exerted, and he failed to save the country from floods and fire, so he jumped down the Miluo River. People cant forget Qu Yuans heroic spirit

for a long time. Therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival has the custom of eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats. It is said that people put zongzi into the river to make the fish in the river not eat Qu Yuans body. The dragon boat is to save Qu Yuan. Qu Yuans River throwing day, May 5, was also set as the Dragon Boat Festival. 每到端午节,我就格外兴奋,因为又能吃到香喷喷的粽子了。妈妈总是根据家人的不同口味,包出不同馅的粽子。妈妈喜欢吃肉粽,爸爸喜欢吃黑米粽,而我则喜欢吃白粽。包完之后,就把它们放入锅中煮一煮,一个个'绿色宝宝'在沸腾的水中翻滚着,像一个个绿色精灵在山间飞舞,把山间点缀的绿意盎然。粽子煮好后捞出,一个活脱脱的'绿色宝宝出现在我眼前,厨房里到处都弥漫着粽子的香味。拆开之后,还有一个蜜枣在中间镶嵌着,似乎是想把糯米的光彩全部抢走。 Every Dragon Boat Festival, I am very excited, because I can eat delicious zongzi again. My mother always makes zongzi with different fillings according to different tastes of her family. My mother likes eating meat zongzi, my father likes eating black rice zongzi, and I like eating white zongzi. After wrapping, put them into the pot and boil them. One by one, the green babies are rolling in the boiling water. They are like green spirits flying in the mountains, and the mountains are full of green. After the dumplings are cooked, a “green baby” appears in front of me, and the smell of dumplings is

everywhere in the kitchen. After opening, there is a jujube inlaid in the middle, which seems to be trying to take away all the luster of glutinous rice.


Its said that Dragon Boat Festival also has the custom of taking sachets, so after my soft and hard brewing, my mother finally promised to sew one for me, which is filled with wormwood leaves and herbs. I am full of joy wearing sachets, from time to time to a few small partners show off.

我喜欢端午节,因为端午节的习俗,更因为端午节蕴含的民族情怀。端午节虽说只是一个节日,但却给我的生活带来了一抹色彩。让我生活中的烟花因它,而绚丽绽放,铸就漫天华彩。 I like the Dragon Boat Festival because of its customs and the national feelings it contains. Dragon Boat Festival is just a festival, but it brings a touch of color to my life. Let the fireworks in my life bloom because of it, and make the sky colorful.
