【经典绘本讲解】饼干狗 Biscuit Goes to School 小饼干去上学

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【经典绘本讲解】饼干狗 Biscuit Goes to School 小饼干去上

【作品简介】Biscuit“小饼干系列”是哈珀科林斯科林斯出版集团的经典品牌之一。该书正是著名的“I can read系列的看家书。作品面世15年来,屡获大奖,全球已经有超过2000万个家庭拥有它,并成为它的忠实粉丝。这是一套被媒体和家长们公认的亲子阅读佳作,被读者评为亚马逊网站的五星级图书。小饼干Biscuit系列的语言简单,讲述小Biscuit的日常生活小故事,淘气的Biscuit总是带来不少的小“麻烦”,我们会发现,Biscuit的每段故事都很像家中的孩子,讲述了孩子们在成长过程中的点点滴滴。画面温馨可爱,具有亲和力。 摘自百度

今日故事在今天的故事里,小饼干的主人乘坐校车去上学,小饼干也想上学。它悄悄跟着校车到了学校。可是学校是老师和孩子们一起学习和活动的地方,狗狗是不可以随便去的,那么小饼干在学校里发生了什么样的故事呢? 这个故事非常适合刚刚入学或转班的小朋友:孩子容易对新环境产生焦虑,陌生的环境会给他们带来不安全感。再来看看小饼干,它对学校的向往,在学校里看到的一切,老师和同学们对小饼干的热情,都会给孩子们一种暗示——学校是

一个有趣的地方!点击下方,听艾玛朗读。 Biscuit Goes to School 来自艾玛读绘本 00:00 01:33 众号中放的音频是讲解版,若想听纯朗读/演唱版,可以在荔FM、网易云、喜马拉雅FM、懒人听书、蜻蜓FM、牛听听、火火兔等APP,搜索“艾玛读绘本”收听。400多个中英文绘本故事任意听,可以快进快退、离线下载、随意选择节目,磨耳朵更方便哦。每周推送的童谣,都是“艾玛读绘本”交流群的练习素材,大家每天都在群里练习语音,互相交流学习进步。一个人学习很孤单,一群人学习很美好,欢迎你加入。入群请向艾玛老师申请,若无艾玛微信,请加微信号:5808340绘本文字Biscuit Goes to SchoolHere comes the school bus!Woof, woof!Stay here ,Biscuit.Dogs dont go to school.Woof!Where is Biscuit going?Is Biscuit going to the pond?Woof!Is Biscuit going to the park?Woof!Biscuit is going to school!Woof, woof!

Biscuit wants to play ball.Woof, woof!Biscuit wants to hear a story.Woof, woof!Shhh!Biscuit wants a snack.Woof, woof! Oh, Biscuit!What are you doing here?Dogs don’t go to school!Oh, no!Here comes the teacher!Woof!

Biscuit wants to meet the teacher.Woof!Biscuit wants to meet the class.Woof, woof!Biscuit likes school!Woof, woof!And everyone at school likes Biscuit!Woof!绘本插页

Here comes the school bus !Woof, woof !校车来了!汪汪!Stay here, Biscuit. Dogs don''t go to school. Woof !小饼干,待在这里哦,狗狗不用去上学。汪汪!Where is Biscuit going? Is Biscuit going to the pond ? Woof !小饼干要去哪儿呢?他是要去池塘边吗?汪汪!Is Biscuit going to the park? Woof !小饼干是要去公园吗?汪汪!Biscuit is going to school ! Woof, woof !小饼干去上学啦!汪汪!Biscuit wants to play ball. Woof, woof !小饼干想要玩皮球。汪汪!Biscuit wants to hear a story. Woof, woof ! Shhh !小饼干想听故事。汪汪!嘘~~Biscuit wants a snack. Woof, woof !小饼干想吃点心。汪汪!Oh, Biscuit ! What are you doing here? Dogs don''t go to school !哦,小饼干!你在这儿做什么?狗狗不用上学!Oh, no !Here comes the teacher ! Woof !呀,不好!老师来啦!汪汪!Biscuit wants to meet the teacher. Woof !小饼干想去认识一下老师。汪汪!Biscuit wants to meet the class. Woof, woof !小饼干想要认识下全班同学。汪!Biscuit likes school !Woof, woof !小饼干喜欢去学校!汪汪!And everyone at school likes Biscuit ! Woof !学校里的每个人也都喜欢小饼干!汪汪!
