【精品】三年级上册英语教案-《跟上兔子》绘本分级阅读三年级第1季《This Is My Family》 译林版(三起)

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This Is My Family

教学内容 教学目标

跟上兔子小学英语绘本分级阅读三年级第1季《This Is My Family



3.通过阅读文本,学习理解Is this...? We all love each other.学习并能合理运用形容词 tall,nice,cute, strong &beautiful.

4.多层面理解family的意义,明白家人要互相关爱,互相帮助的道理。 5.了解一些绘本阅读方法,如:图文联系,制作思维导图等等。

1.通过阅读文本,学习理解Is this...? We all love each other.学习并能合理运用形容词 tall,nice,cute, strong &beautiful.




困难分析:学生第一次阅读绘本,语言知识积累不足,对于绘本学习过程会存在一定的陌生感,尤其是绘本阅读过程中的归纳,拓展,合作活动等,对于刚刚开始英语学习的三年级学生来说还是存在一定难度。本节课通过设置多样化的任务、分层推进,采用小组合作、表演、游戏、过程体验等方式突出重点,突破难点。 PPT, 板书、头饰等






教学准备 教学环节

Warm up

1. Sing some songs Sing the songMy family,(1)Lets sing some songs Finger family》等 (2What are these songs about? (3)Greetings Good afternoon. T: Good afternoon 2.Free talk How many people are there in your family? Ss answer the questions Who are they?

1.Look and guess .

2. Think and say: family is...

通过唱歌,调动课堂气氛,激发学生学习热情。 导入主题:family

1.Play a game:

What about Miss J.s family?

Pre-reading Play a guessing game

2.Talk: What is family?

猜一猜的游戏渗透学习Is this ...?的句型,并且熟知一些形容词。通过谈论师生家庭,引导学生初步思考表达心中的家庭是什么概念?

Read the cover

1.Today,we will read a picture book. It is also about family. 2.Whats the name of the book?Whose family?

3.What can you see on the cover?

1.Look at the cover and answerthe questions. 2.Find the two main characters

通过引导观看封面,了解绘本名称,故事主角等信息,并提出问题。初步指导阅读技巧,读前试着提问,尽可能多的从封面获取信息都是很好的绘本阅读方法。 通过背景了解,掌握阅读过程需要仔细看图的方法,并Little bird and little tree 之间的对话培养他们的想象力。

初步感知绘本故事大致内容 通过第一次读,了解文本大致内容,建构内容框架。再通过人物形象分析来细读绘本,但是过程中教师的指导也仅仅是停留在第一部分的学习,第二部分引导学生g根据学习经验,自学第二部分,培养学生的自学能力。讨论第三个 family来提升孩子们对于family的理解。 跟读和根据板书复述故事,引导学生了解思维导图的作用。同时再次谈论family进行情感升华。

Background introduction

1.Teach : forest 1.看图理解背景 2.ImagineWhat are they 2.Say and act saying?

The first 1.Watch and listen to the story. Watch and listen reading

2.T: How many families are there in the story?

Intensive Reading

1.T:What are their family members?

2.How do they look?

Read and make a mind map

3.Act part 1

4.Self-study part2

5Discuss : What is the third family?

1.Group work

2.Read and find the answers

3.Make some sentences: ___ loves _____. 4.Act in group 5.Read and act 6.Read and discuss

1. Read the story 2. Retell the story

Readretell&discuss After Reading

3. Think and talk: What is family again.


1.Read this picture book for your family members. 2.Say' I love you' to parents and give them a hug.

