主题句:中心思想,功能在于交代文章主题并且表达作者观点。 1. 2.不易过于针对, 3.表明作者立场观点,不能陈述 4. 首尾呼应,主题始终如一 总结,重申主题句, 总结分论点,升华主题,建议,预测 To begin with, 主题句,理由,例子,my roommate Lily’s experience is a good case in point. Simply put, 小结句 Furthermore....take ....as an example....needless to say that Should类 2选1 利弊类 比较类 3选1 4选1 题型 绝对词汇 最高级 原因类 今昔对比 频率 社会现象 第一种: 开头段:转述题目+给出观点 分论点1 分论点2 分论点3 结尾段:重申观点 第二种: 开头段:转述题目+给出观点 让步,反驳 分论点2 分论点3 结尾段:重申观点 主题句-支持句-结论句 科技---改变了人们吃穿住行各个方面 经济--经济发展,选择增加 教育--教育水平上升,素质增加 观念--由保守变开放 关键词:should, important, essential, necessary Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Drivers should pay a certain amount of fee to drive on the city streets during the busiest hours of a day. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should take several kinds of jobs before they take a career in a long term. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 主题段段落扩展 should类型常用论证方式:因果论证 提出论点--提出原因--分析条件(好处或者坏处)--得出结果 注意事项:1.事态和人称(全文都不能用第二人称) 2.要简洁,扣紧主题 原则:每个论点都要有理由,每个理由都要有例子,每个例子都要有细节。 例子的功能(比较各种例子优缺点) 一例与多例一样 物例与事例一样 真例子和假例子一样 本人例子与别人例子一样 中国例子和外国例子一样 比较题类型 关键词:比较级+than(more adj than better ) rather than or Which contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation Good food, good location, good friends to travel with? 对比认证 1.让步式 一.反驳 二.A+1 三.A+2 2.分点式 一.A+1,B-1 二.A+2,B-2 三.A+3,B-3 对比内容:有无对比,优劣对比,今昔对比 常见衔接词:on the contrary; in/by contrast; on the other hand; however, nevertheless;but; yet; instead,whereas,while,conversely Happy with a job High salary:1.成就感 2.高收入 3.- 绝对词题: 最高级:best, most 频率:never ,no longer, 范围:only all 可能性:Impassible University education is the most important factor in a person’s success 让步段 让步段,先说b加再反驳 说完论点之后写论述,不能直接加例子 同义替换, 连贯性:包含前一句的内容连接词,后一句 例子和论点相关,例子要细,有细节,像什么 answer all the question in the interview in an efficientway, which impressed her interviewer deeply. 引例子一句话,说明例子2-3句,小结句1句 道理一步一步推,例子有细节。 However前:however后 8:2 however后很少内容 分论点:不要写从句,不需要解释理由,就一句简单句 理由2-3句 引例子1句 解释例子2-3 小结句1 避免跟主题太接近 1.让步 找到most important, 承认 university education 很重要转折 2.替代方案1--perseverance 3.替代方案2--the ability to build and maintain networks All---however, it does not mean all high-school students have to take them. Never---however,there are some special cases in which we should not be required to keep polite. 作业:most business people are only motivated by the desire for money. Good looks and dresses are more important for success than good ideas. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dd9668f2c281e53a5902ffb2.html