
时间:2022-03-24 21:21:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A king was embarked on board a ship which alsocarried a slave.王带着一个奴隶乘坐在一条船上

The boy had never been at seanor e_peri encedthe inconvenience of a ship.奴隶从未出过海,也从未经历过坐船之苦。

He set up a weeping and wailing and all his limbswere in a state of trepidationandhowever much theysoothed himhe was not to be pacified.他开始哭泣、悲号,四肢不停地颤抖。人们想尽办法安抚他,但他仍无法平静。

The king’s pleasure party was di sconcerted by him;but they offered no help.国王原本愉快的心情被他搅得不安起来,但人们却束手无策。

0n board that ship there was a physician.He said to the king; If you will order itI canmanage to silence him.”一个医师也在船上,他对国王说: “如果允许让我一试的话,我有办法让他平静。

The king repliedIt will be an act of greatfavor.”国王说道:“那就太好了。

The physician directed that they throw the boy .into the sea and after he had plunged repeatedly,they seized him by hair of the head and drew him closeto be ship,医师吩咐他们把奴隶扔到海里,让他反复沉浮几次后,才抓住他的头发把他拖到船边

where he grabbed the rudder with both hands and,scrambling up on to the deck slunk into a corner andsat down quiet.他双手紧紧抓住船舷,


The king pleased with what he saw said Whatart is there in this?”国王很满意,问道:“这是什么道理?

The physician replied0riginally he had note__per ienced the danger of being drowned, andundervalued the safety of being in a ship; 医师回答说: “ 先前他没有经历溺水的危险,所有不珍惜在船上的安全

just as a person is aware of the preciousness ofhealth only when he is overtaken with the calamity ofsickness.”就象一个人只有感受到病痛的折磨时,方知健康的可贵一样。
