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1.1 印章的保管 Safekeeping of Stamps

1.1.1 印章须设专人、专屉保管。各部门的印章由各部门自行保管。

The stamps should be kept by specified person and in special drawer. The stamps of each department should be kept by themself.

1.1.2 公司印章必须严加保管,务求安全。如不慎丢失,须立即采取补救措施,避免可能发生的损失。当公司发生损失时,由保管人承担全部责任。

The coporate stamps should be strictly and carefully kept, secure its safety. If the stamps were lost carelessly, the remedy measure should be conducted immediately to avoid any potential losses. In the event that the company was suffered losses, the safe keeper should undertake all responsibilities. 1.1.3 财务专用章由财务经理(会计专员)负责保管,应严格按照印章保管制度和财务制度执行,认真管理和使用财务用章。

The stamp for finance affairs will be kept by the financial manager (financial offier), the latter should strictly comply with the stamps' safekeeping system and financial system, and serviously manage and use the stamp for finance affairs.

1.2 印章的使用 Usage of Stamps

1.2.1 建立印章使用登记表,由印章保管人员对印章的使用逐项登记。

The registration form of stamps' usage should be completed, the safekeeper of stamps should fill in such form item-by-item.

1.2.2 各部门印章必须经本部门负责人签字同意后方可使用,擅自用印,给公司造成损失的,该使用人和印章保管人将面临经济处罚和行政处分,严重者开除处理。

The stamps of every departments can only be used upon the written approval of the supervisor of such department. Otherwise, in the event that the company suffered the losses, such stamp user and safekeeper should face economic and administrative punishment, in very servious cases, the responsible person will be dismissed.

1.2.3 凡用公司公章,必须经公司CEO或者执行董事批准。未经批准,私自对内、对外用印,给公司造成损失或不良后果的,由印章保管人员承担由此产生的一切民事或刑事责任。

To use the corporate stamp need the approval of company's CEO or Executive Director. Without such approval, the improper usage of stamps caused looses or bad influence to the company, the safekeeper of stamps should undertake all incurred civil and criminal resposibilities.

1.2.4 所有使用公司公章的文件,应保留一份复印件在公司。不得在空白文件上用印,特殊情况,需经公CEO或者执行董事批准,并登记在案。

One copy of all documents chopped by the corporate stamp should be remained in the company. The stamp can not be used on the blank documents, in special cases, can then only be used with the approval of company's CEO or Executive Director, and such usage should be recorded.

1.2.5 用印力求端正、清晰。凡不符合国家政策、法律和公司规章制度的函件、证明等,印章保管人员有权拒绝盖章。

The stamp should be used upright and clear. The safekeeper of stamps is entitled to refuse to use the stamp on the documents and certificates which do not comply with the national policies, laws and company's rules and regulations.

1.2.6 对外提供经济担保或其他担保,必须经公司管理层研究确定,各部门无权就对外提供经济或其他担保的文件盖章。

To grant the economic or other guarantees for the third party needs to be decided by the management of company. Every department is not entitled to stamp on the documents which are related to the economic and other guarantees.
