
时间:2023-04-26 19:58:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



注意:词数100左右。 二、写作指导 (一)审题定调



本写作任务可分为两部分: 第一部分:自己的心得; 第二部分:遇到的困难。 (三)常用表达 read widely

think in English; keep a diary in English enlarge our vocabulary; use the words properly learn word chunks rather than single words learn something about word formation read simplified classic works

guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word memorise grammar rules and do a lot of exercises

From my point of view, to improve ..., there is no better way than ... One way to do that is ... The other way is to ...

Firstly, you should ... Also, you should ... One of the best ways to ... is to ... ... is a good way of learning English.

It's of great importance to ...; I benefit a lot from ... problems with ...

be poor in ...; have difficulty with ... My biggest headache is ...; ... is my biggest problem. ... is hard for me.; I find it difficult for me to ... 三、范文欣赏

In my opinion, increasing vocabulary is one of the most important factors in gaining a good command of English. My advice is to read widely. You can read newspapers, magazines, classic works or whatever you like. Besides, you'd better learn word chunks rather than single words. Last but not least, it is of great importance to learn something about word formation. This really works.

My biggest headache is my oral English. I'm always worried about my pronunciation and can't speak English fluently. Any advice?

I have been studying English since I was three years old. I speak fluent English now and can communicate with native speakers in English freely. From my point of view, to improve oral English, there is no better way than speaking more. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. As for pronunciation, my advice is to listen to the radio and repeat what you hear word by word. Record your voice and compare it with the speaker's. If possible, try to communicate with native speakers.

However, I always have difficulty with my writing. Organizing ideas
