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名词解释 Glossary5题,10分,每题2分)

Nuclear family 核心家庭 Extended family 大家庭

Polygamous family 多配偶制家庭 Single-parent family 单亲家庭

Step family 继家族(携子再婚形成的家族) Adoptive family 收养家庭 Foster family 寄养家庭;

Dysfunctional family 机能不全家庭; Matrilineal society 母系社会 Patrilineal society 父系社会 Socialization 社会主义化

Social stratification 社会阶层化 Social mobility 社会流动性

Conflict Theory 冲突理论 Case Work 个案工作 Role Theory 角色理论

简答题Short Answer Questions4 题,20分,每题5分)

What are guidelines on how social workers operate? (Key Points)


Specify the ethics of a social worker. (Key Points)


What is the difference between an adoptive child and a foster child? 收养孩子和收养孩子的区别是什么?

How many kinds of child abuse do you know? What are they? 你知道多少种虐待儿童?他们是什么? Make a list of possible solutions to child abuse. 使儿童虐待的可能的解决方案列表。

How many types of family composition are there? What are they? 有多少种家庭组成?他们是什么?

What are the differences between matrilineal society and patrilineal sociology? 母系社会和父系社会学有什么区别?

What preventive strategies you can use for solving problems in family? 你能用什么预防策略来解决家庭问题?

What rehabilitation strategies you can use for solving problems in family?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of having patrilineal society? 在父系社会的优点和缺点是什么?

What are vulnerable and marginalized groups 哪些是弱势群体和边缘化群体?

What are the differences between Manifest and Latent Function? 显化和潜在功能的区别是什么?

What are the differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Sociology? 定量和定性社会学的区别是什么?

案例题 Case Study 2题,30分,每题15分)

Activity 1.2 Activity 2.3 Activity 2.7 Activity 2.12

Unit 2 Evaluation Case Study 34 评价案例研究34 Activity 3.3 Activity 3.6

论述题Discussion Question2题,40, 每题20分)

1.What is your vision of Social Work in the 21st century? 你在第二十一世纪的社会工作是什么?

2.Looking at the needs in your country, how do you think the following should contribute to the development of Social Welfare Services? The people/the community, the government and the non-government organizations (NGOs).


3.What is your understanding of the family? List the values and attitudes you may have acquired from your family.


4.Illustrate your culture (i.e., put in ideas, beliefs, values, knowledge or material things, which you think typifies your specific culture)

说明你的文化(即,在思想、信仰、价值观、知识或物质方面的东西, 你觉得这是你的特定的文化)

4.What role does the school play in influencing culture? 学校在影响文化中扮演什么角色?

5.Discuss the effect of radio and television on your culture. 讨论广播和电视对你文化的影响。

6.What are the social stratifications in your country? Discuss situations you can observe or are familiar. What causes these situations, and how do you think they affect the people in your society?


7.List all the sociological theories you have learned in this course. Among them, which is your

favorite one? Why?

列出你在这门课中所学到的所有社会学理论。其中,你最喜欢哪一个?为什么? 8.Consider the past contribution of the aged to society vis-à-vis the strong bond between parents and children. Who should take responsibility for the elderly?

