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1. Ni(CIO 4) 2 ni ckel perchlorate 3. FeCl 2 iron (2)chloride

5. Al(NO 3) 3 alumi num n itrate 7. MnO2 mangan ese dioxide

9. N 2Q din atroge n trioxide

11. NaClO sodium hypochloride 13. P 2O diphosphorous pen taoxide

15. KMnQ patassium perma ngate

17. 盐酸 hydrochloric acid 19. KCN patassium cyan ide 21. 5- 4

5-methyl-4-propyl nonaane

23. 四氯化碳 carbon tetrachloride 25. 中和 neutralize

27. 比热容 specific heat capacity 29. 酸酐 anhytride 20. 2,3-二甲基戊烷 2,3-dimethylpe ntane

姓名: 成绩: 30分,每小题1分)

2. CuSO4 copper sulfate 4. CoCQ cobalt carbate

6. Ca(C 2HO) 2 calcium acetate 8. H 2SO

10.六氰合铁U酸钾 12. Ag 2SO sliver sulfite

14.草酸铅 lead cyanate 16. Zn 2 zinc hydroxide (OH) 18. 磷酸根 phosphate

22. 2,3,7-三甲基-5- 乙基辛烷 2,3,7-trimethyl-5-ethyloct ane 24. 石蕊试纸 litmus paper

26. 滴定 titration

28. 非电解质 electrolyte

30. 配位化合物 complex compo und

.把下列短文译成汉语(本题共 40分,每小题10) 1. Without chemistry our lives would be unrecognisable, for chemistry is at work all around us. Think what life would be like without chemistry - there would be no plastics, no electricity and no protective paints for our homes. There would be no synthetic fibres to clothe us and no fertilisers to help us pr oduce eno ugh food. We would n ' t be able to travel because there would be no metal, rubber or fuel for cars, ships and aeroplane. Our lives would be cha nged con siderably without teleph on es, radio, televisi on or computers,

all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts. Life expectancy would be much lower, too, as there would be no drugs to fight disease.


化学就在我们周围。没有化学生活会是什么样子一一没有塑料 ”家里没有电也没有防护漆。

不会给我们合成纤维没有化肥帮助我们生产足够的食物。我们不能旅行 生活将会大大改变了没有电话、收音机、电视或电脑



2. The first and second laws of thermodynamics and the meaning of entropy will be discussed. and expa nded upon in this less on .It will be show n that en ergy tran sformatio ns on a macroscopic scale that is, betwee n large aggregates of atoms an d/or molecules


be understood in terms of a set of logical principles. Thus thermodynamics provides a model of the behavior of matter in bulk. The power of such a model is that it does not depend on atomic or molecular structure. Furthermore, con clusi ons about a give n process .based on this model, do not require details of how the process is carried out.

探讨热力学第一和第二定律和熵的意义.和扩展在这个知识。也就是说它将表明能源在宏观上的转换 量在大量的原子或分子内的转换。 因此热力学定理提供了一个物质体积变化的模型。 子结构。此外给定进程的结论依托于这种模式,不需要的详细说明过程是如何进行的



3. Preparation of [Cu(en) 2(cda)H 2O]: Htcda (4-羟基-2,6 吡啶二酸)(0.020 g, 0.1 mmol) was dissolved in water (10 mL) and the pH value of the solution was adjusted to 7~8 with aqueous NaOH solution (0.1 mol?L ), then adding it dropwise to a methanol solution (10mL) of

Cu(CIO”2 6H2O (0.037g, 0.1mmol) and ethylenediamine (0.2 mmol) under stirring at room temperature. After the result ing small qua ntity of precipitates was filtered off, dark blue crystals suitable for X-ray structure analysis were obtained by slow evaporation of the filtrate at room temperature.

制备[CU(en)2(cda)H2O]:使0.020,0.1mmol4 -羟基26吡啶二酸溶解在10ml水中加入0.1M氢氧化钠水溶液调整到 pH 78,然后将它一滴一滴地添加到 Cu(CIO4深蓝色晶体,用

)2 6FbO0.037g,0.037mmol)的乙醇溶液和乙二胺(0.2mmol),在室温下搅拌。在室 温下,缓慢蒸发滤液,得到


4. Measure 50 ml of vin egar with a pipette and pour into a 250-ml beaker. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Fill a burette with a 1 N solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and draw out the excess as described above. From the burette add NaOH to the beaker of

vinegar until 1 drop of NaOFproduces a pale pink color in the solution. Maintain constant stirring. The appearanee of pink tells you that the acid has been neutralized by the base and there is now 1 drop of excess base which has tur ned the in dicator. Read the burette and record this read ing as the volume of base used to n eutralize the acid. One molecule of NaOH n eutralizes one molecule of acetic acid, or one gram-molecular weight of NaOH neutralizes one gram-molecular weight of acetic acid. Calculate the amount of acetic acid

present in the vinegar. Report this amount as the percentage of acetic acid.

用移液管吸取50ml醋加入到250毫升烧杯2滴酚酞指示剂。在滴定管中加入 1M的氢氧化钠溶液,去除刻度线以上的溶液,将 氢氧化钠溶液加入到醋中,并不断震荡,至到加入一滴氢氧化钠溶液变成粉红色。岀现粉红色的颜色

的一滴碱使指示剂变色。阅读并纪律中和酸消耗碱的体积。一个分子的氢氧化钠中和一个分子的醋酸 中和一个分子重量的醋酸反应。计算醋酸在醋的量。报告醋酸的百分比。

表示酸中和了碱,而且多余 或一个分子重量的氢氧化钠
