主题:Bring English to life 英语文化节,精彩无极限 Activity 1 Come on, kids. Enjoy yourselves and do your best! 英语文化节,展现我风采 Activity 2 Always try! Have fun learning English! 英语文化节,快乐你我他 Activity 3 Working together for a better future!Be proud of your achievements! 英语文化节,你我新舞台 Activity 4 Successful learning together. You’re the best. 英语文化节,秀出真自我 英语文化节,放飞我梦想 英语文化节,激情永飞扬 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e67a23a32cc58bd63186bd7c.html