经典希腊神话故事三则带翻译阅读 Between Macedon and thessaly of eastern GREecethere stood a high mountain.Its cloudy top rushedinto the very heavens.On the top of the mountain,the home of the gods was bathed in brightness. AtOlympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men.Zeus was not a crude ruler by any standards.Allthe gods listened to his final words,it was true.ButZeus made them all sit on a committee of twelvemembers,including six gods and six goddesses.The first in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself.He was the overlord of gods and men and the operator of the thunderbolt .Next to him wasHera,his proud and greeneyed queen.Poseidon was ruler of the sea,And Hades,king of thelower world,had no seat in the committee.Apollo was the god of the sun,music andpoetry,while his twinsister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the chase. Athena wasthe goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts.Hestin,the goddess of thefamily,represented home life and family happiness.The frightening Ares was the god ofwar,and the charming Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty.The god offire,Hephaestus,was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.The wing footed messengerHermes was the god of invention and commerce;and the goddess of grains andharvests,Demeter,looked after agriculture and stood for mother ofcivilization. All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and grace.Often moved by human feelings and desires,they frequently gave way to anger andjealousy.They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man. Amongthemselves at Olympus they plotted and struggled for power.In the human world theyexperienced competitions and difficulties.They enjoyed earthly friendships andloves.Acrowd of everlasting gods looked and acted in a perfectly human fashion that is what allgods at Olympus actually were. 在马其顿和希腊东部的色萨利之间矗立着一座高山。大雾弥漫的山顶直插云霄。山顶上,众神们的家园沐浴在阳光之中。宙斯作为山神和人类之父主宰着那里的一切。总的说来,宙斯并不是一个独裁统治者。但毫无疑问,凡事山神们都要听从他的命令。宙斯将男女山神12人组成一个委员会,宙斯本人则坐第一把交椅,是众神与人类的太上皇,也是雷电的操纵者。他旁边是他那傲慢且嫉妒的皇后赫拉。波塞冬是大海的统治者。哈得斯是主宰阴间的冥王,他在委员会中没有席位。阿波罗是太阳神、音乐和诗神。他的孪生姐妹阿耳特弥斯是月亮和狩猎女神。雅典娜是智慧女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。赫提斯是家室之神,象征着家庭中的生命与幸福。气势汹汹的阿瑞斯是战神。媚人的阿芙罗狄蒂是爱与美神。火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯雷电的创造者。以翅代步的信使海尔墨斯掌管商业与发明事务。谷物与丰收女神得墨特尔负责管理农业,她是文明之母。 以上所提到的主要天神们都假装成凡人的样子,他们的美丽与魅力无可匹敌。因常受到凡人情感与愿望的感染,他们不时地勃然大怒,妒嫉别人。他们卷入与人类世界无休止的争斗中。在奥林波斯,他们之间也充满了阴谋与权力之争。在凡人的世界里,他们经历了敌对与挫折。他们珍惜人间的爱与友善。这群长生不老的天神们的外表与行为完全符合人间的方式。这就是奥林波斯山神们的本来面目。 pygmalion,king of cyprus,was a famoussculptor.he made an ivory image of a woman solovely that he fell in love with it.every day he triedto make galatea up in gold and purple,for that wasthe name he had given to this mistress of hisheart.he embraced and kissed it,but it remainedastatue.in despair he went to aphrodite''s shrinefor help.offering rich sacrifice and sending up apassionate prayer,he begged the goddess to givehim a wife as graceful as galatea.back home,hewent straight up to the statue.even as he gazedatit a change came over it.a faint colour appeared on its cheeks,a gleam shone from its eyesand its lips opened into as weet smile.pygmalion stood speechless when ualatea began tomove towards him.she was simple and sweet and alive!soon the room was ringing with hersliver voice.the work of his own hands became his wife. 塞浦路斯的国王皮格马利翁是一位有名的雕塑家。他塑造了一位异常可爱的象牙少女雕像以致于爱上了它。每天他都给盖拉蒂穿上金、紫色相间的长袍。盖拉蒂是他给心上人所起的名字。他拥抱它、亲吻它,但是它始终是一尊雕像。绝望中,他来到阿芙罗狄蒂的神殿寻求帮助。他献上丰盛的祭祀品,并且深情地祷告,祈求这位女神赐给他一位如同盖拉蒂一样举止优雅的妻子。回家后,他径直来到雕像旁。就在他凝视它的时候,雕像开始有了变化。它的脸颊开始呈现出微弱的血色,它的眼睛释放出光芒,它的唇轻轻开启,现出甜蜜的微笑。盖拉蒂走向他的时候,皮格马利翁站在那儿,说不出话来。她单纯、温柔、充满活力!不久屋子里响起她银铃般悦耳的声音。他的雕塑成了他的妻子。 immediately after he was born,hermes wasappointed godof thieves at olympus.and a thief hebecame when he was barely a few hours old.feelinghungry,the infant left his cradle after nightfall tohunt for food.he chanced uponapollo''s oxengrazing on a meadow and drove a number oftheseanimals away,tying tree branches around the feet ofthecattle to make their footsteps dim.he killed twoof these oxenand had a magnificent dinner.then heslipped back into his littlebed in his mother''shouse.when apollo came to question himhermespretended to be innocent.the angry sungod draggedhim up to olympus,where he wasaccused of the stealing andmade to return the cattle to their master.in reconciliation littlehermes gave apollo the lyre he had made out of 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ed77082c504de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72f2a.html