有关清明节的英语作文300字带翻译 清明扫墓,缅怀先人,既是民族习俗,也是人之常情。但近年来个别地方扫墓名堂越来越多。有人请大仙巫婆为祖宗祈阴德,为子孙求荫庇;有人出售小纸人,而小纸人又大都是时髦女性模样,说是要”奉上几个给老人家浪漫浪漫”;有人嫌冥币不够,还制作”存款单”,”存款单”开户银行的行长和副行长竟是玉皇和阎罗。 It is not only a national custom, but also a common feeling of human beings to visit tombs and remember ancestors in the Qing and Ming Dynasties. But in recent years, there are more and more famous tombs in some places. Some people ask the great fairy witch to pray for their ancestors and seek shelter for their descendants; some sell small paper people, most of whom are fashionable women, who say they want to “offer some romantic and romantic gifts to the elderly”; some people think that there is not enough money, but also make a “deposit slip”. The president and vice president of the deposit slip bank are Yuhuang and Yanluo. 这些做法,亵渎先人英灵,毒害人们心灵,背离了扫墓的初衷,也玷污了清明节的”清明”。如果先人地下有知,恐怕也不会同意这样做。 These practices desecrated the spirits of ancestors, poisoned people's hearts, deviated from the original intention of tomb sweeping, and also defiled the “Qingming” of Qingming Festival. I'm afraid I won't agree to it if my ancestors know it. 时代变了,扫墓的方式应当更文明。送上一束鲜花,以此寄托哀思;借培土之机,在坟旁栽上一棵树,既庄重节俭,又绿化环境。又快到清明节,希望人们自觉远离封建迷信,要文明扫墓,让清明节真正变得”清明”起来。 The times have changed. The way of tomb sweeping should be more civilized. Send a bunch of flowers as a token of mourning, and plant a tree beside the grave on the opportunity of soil cultivation, which is not only solemn and thrifty, but also green the environment. And soon to the Qingming Festival, I hope that people will consciously stay away from feudal superstition, civilized tomb sweeping, so that the qingming festival really becomes “Qingming”. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ef7f381e2c3f5727a5e9856a561252d380eb20ca.html