
时间:2022-07-10 09:23:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

What is educati on for

"Educati on is the foun dati on of a n ati on al!" Taking a pano ramic view all over the world, developed coun tries have more improved education systems than the developing countries. More and more other educati on in stituti ons are look ing for their new market. Mean while, Chin ese educati on in stituti ons improved rapidly. However, what is educatio n for?

Look ing back upon all the

great thinkers, I find out there are various answers for this question. For them, the aims of education range from serving the state to in dividual developme nt. For example, Con fucius holds that education is organized to serve the country and keep the country in good order and in harmony but Whitehead thinks that education is to nurture intelligent people. To my un dersta nding, educati on should serve the growth of in dividual. Therefore, the aim of education is to foster a person rather than a hero .In my mind 'eye, we can develop a good habit and develop a way of thi nking by accept ing educati on.

First of all, the purpose of education is to produce a virtuous or good man. Man is not good by n ature, so he must be educated to con trol his ani mal activities or to be virtuous. Though I do not agree with the point that man is not good by nature, I do agree that mancan only be manby education . The differenee between manand animal is that mancan


control their n atural n eeds. Therefore, without virtue, there would be no differenee between manand animals. As one of the most important perspectives of a society, education should first transform people into ethical bein gs.

In additi on, educati on should adva nee people

'kno wledge.

Education can makepeople distinguish right from wrong.With the help of educati on, all people could form their own systems of judgment and justification

including the principle of fairness.

Though kno wledge cannot guara ntee people a dece nt life, it gives them the opportunities to pursue their dreams. In this moder n society, kno wledge is domin ati ng every aspect of our life and work. The amount of knowledge that one owns determines his abilities to survive. The more knowledge one has, the more opport un ities he has to succeed. Thus, more and more people pursue further education to catch up with their peers or to be more competitive. As the main channel of attaining knowledge, the education system should try to meet people ' desire for the kno wledge.

Fin ally, educati on is resp on sible for pers onal all-r ound development. According to Tagore, the aim of the national

system educati on is all-r ound developme nt of the in dividual pers on ality, in clud ing in tellectual developme nt, aesthetic educati on and creativity. That means the first two purposes above are to serve this aim.




Education is not all about virtue and kno wledge. They are just the preparati on for in dividual all-r ound developme nt, which is the most importa nt aim of educati on. It 'the pers onal all-ro und developme nt that makes

educati on more meanin gful. At the same time, in dividual all-r ound developme nt could promote the developme nt of educati on. Nowadays, all-r ound developme nt means that educational system should provide not only liberal education but also scie nee and economy. These are the basic subjects of this modern society. A civilized country is built not only upon the basis of scienee and economy, but also culture of its people. Livi ng in a civilized coun try, one should get access to educati on of all these perspectives.

In sum, I thi nk that educati on should serve the in dividual

development. The development of a society or a country depends upon its virtuous and knowledgeable citizen ' contribution. And in dividual educati on level is the symbol of a society


civilizatio n. Without pers onal developme nt, the system of a society would fail.

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