
时间:2022-05-15 16:26:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

全国助残日 Help-the-disabled Day

For every parent, their biggest wish is to watch their children

grow up healthily. But unluckily, some people are born with disabled, or some of them meet disasters and being disabled.

The public wants to help them and live the


named the


the normal life. In 1990s, Sunday of

May as

Help-the-disabled Day, in the hope of offering help to those unlucky people.

关于每个父亲母亲来说,他们最大的梦想就是看着自己的孩子健康成长。 但不幸的是,有些人天生残疾,或许遭受灾害,变残疾。民众希望帮 助他们,过上正常的生活。上世纪

90 年月,政府将五月的第三个星

期日定为“全国助残日” ,希望能帮助那些不幸的人们。

Disabled people are easy to get rejected when they come to the

job market. The employers want to hire someone who can bring them the biggest profit, so they refuse the disabled without hesitation. Actually, though some people may look imperfect, they have the strong will and are very responsible. They deserve to be given a chance.

残疾人在进入就业市场时很简单遭到拒绝。 雇主们都想给自己招一个


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能给他们带来最大收益的人, 因此他们会绝不踌躇地拒绝残疾人。

实上,固然有些人残疾人看起来是出缺点的, 但他们有着坚毅的意志,


It is bad luck for people to lose part of the body. But the more horrible thing is the way the public sees them, treating them

as the monsters. For those unlucky people, people from all walks of life

should offer

them help, and they need the chance to move are just as normal as us, only a little

on. The disabled

difference in appearance.

人们失掉部分身体的人, 是他们的运气不好, 但更可怕的是民众对待





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