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四年级英语质量检测(时间:40分钟 满分:100分)

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Choose the different one. 选出不同类的一项。(每小题2分,10分)

1. A. warm B. cold C. sun 2. A. first B. on C. second

3. A.library B.teachers office C. green 4. A.Sydney B.windy C. snowy 5. A.music room B.art room C.homework

Make the sentences. 连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. the What’s like weather today ?

________________________________________ 2. you have an Do art room ?

________________________________________ 3. Its lunch time for.

_________________________________________ 4. is it now time What ?

_________________________________________ 5. Its the first floor on .


Choose.选择最佳答案。(每小题2 分,共20分)

( )1.-_________________

-Yes,we do.

A.Do you have a playground?

四年级下册英语月考(一) 1 页(共4页)

B.Is this your playground?

( )2. Go to the ____ .Water the flowers. A. music room B.garden ( )3. We have ____art room. A.an B.a

( ) 4.-What’s the weather like________Shandong?. A. in B.on

( ) 5.School is over. Its time to __________.

A. go to school B. go home ( )6.-Can I go out? -_________.

A.Yes,it is. B.No,you can’t. ( )7.The library is on the________floor. A.first B.one

( )8.Today is cold.I can wear my _____ . A. Skirt B.coat ( )9.This is the ________office. A.teachers B.teachers

( )10.How many_______are there in your class? A.student B. students

Read and match.问句答句连连看。(每小题3分,共15分)

( )1.What’s the weather like today? A.Great. ( )2.Is it cold? B.No.it’s warm.

( )3.Dad,let‘s fly a kite. C.Yes,he can.

四年级下册英语月考(一) 2 页(共4页)

( )4.I wear my T-shirt today? D.Yes,you can. ( )5.Can he play football? E.It’s rainy today.. Choose.情景反应。(每小题3分,共30分) ( )1.早晨六点半,妈妈叫Mike起床,她可以说:

A. Oh!Its 6:30.Its time to get up.

B. Oh!Its 6:30.Its time to go home. ( )2. 你想知道现在是几点,你可以问: A.What time is it? B. What is it?

( )3.你想要睡觉时,你可以说:

A.Lets go to bed. B. Lets go to school.

( ) 4. 你想表达八点了,该上英语课了,你应该说:

AIts 8 oclock.Its time for English class. B. Its 8 oclock.Its time for computer class. ( ) 5.你想知道这是不是老师办公室时,你可以问:

A. Is that the library?

B. Is this the teachers office? ( ) 6.你想问对方身体好吗,你可以说:

A.Are you right? B.Are you OK?

( ) 7.你想知道北京的天气怎么样,你可以问:

C. What's the weather like in Beijing? D. Here is the weather like in Beijing.

四年级下册英语月考(一) 3页(共4页)

( ) 8.如果明天天气会变暖和,他说:

A.It will be cool.

B.It will be warm.

( ) 9.你想看看远在外地的爸爸,你对爸爸说:

A.I want to go to see you,Dad. B.I will go to go see you,Dad. ( ) 10.你想问悉尼天气热吗,你可以说:

A.Is it warm in Sydney? B.Is it hot in Sydney?

Read and choose. 读一读,选择正确答案。(每小题3分,共15分)

Welcome to my school!There are 40 classrooms in my school.Look,this is a big playground.In this building(大楼)you can see the library is on the first floor.My classroom is on the second floor.It is big and clean.I like it. .

( ) 1. There are_____ classrooms in my school.

A. forty B.thirteen

( ) 2.The playground is ____

A.small B.big

( ) 3. The library is on the ____ floor.

A. first B.second

( ) 4.My classroom is_____.

A.clean B.small


( ) 5.I___my classroom.

A. like B. dont like .

四年级下册英语月考(一) 4页(共4页)



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