美国中学利诱学生上补习班英语美文 US school pays students to go to study hall US school pays students to go to study hall A high school in the southern US state of Georgia is offering students who are weak in math and science eight dollars an hour to go to study hall and review their pet peeve subjects. "We started on Tuesday. The kids are very enthusiastic," Mike Robinson, the principal of Creekside High School in Fairburn, said. Forty students -- 20 from middle school and 20 high-schoolers -- were selected on the basis of their poor grades in the two subjects and invited to attend two-hour remedial classes twice a week in exchange for money, which is provided by a private foundation. Everyone who was selected was present at the first session, said Robinson. At the end of the 15-week experiment, a student who attended every session would be 480 dollars richer -- and able to do the calculation to work that out. Those who get a "B" grade or better in math or science after finishing the course will be eligible for a bonus of 125 dollars, leaving them potentially 605 dollars better off in total. "You know, in our community, you have to be really creative to get some students interested," said Robinson. "I think this incentive is going to work," added the principal of the Creekside High, which has 2,500 students. 美国南部佐治亚州的一所中学为了激励数学和自然成绩较差的学生上补习班,将为他们提供每小时八美元的奖励。 费尔本市溪边中学校长迈克?罗宾逊说:“该计划从周二上周二开始实施。学生们的热情都很高。” 该校共有四十名数学和自然成绩较差的学生入选了该计划,其中初中生和高中生各20名。补习班课程每周两次,每次两小时,参加补习班的学生将获得由某私人基金会提供的’现金奖励。 罗宾逊说,所有入选学生都参加了第一次补习。 该试验计划为期15周。坚持上满15周课程的学生将得到480美元的“报酬”——到时他们算这个帐也不成问题了指数学成绩提高。 补习课程结束后,数学或自然成绩达到B或更高水平的学生将获得125美元的额外奖励,这样他们总共就能得到605元的报酬。 罗宾逊说:“在我们这里,你必须得来点创意才能激发一些学生的学习兴趣。” “我认为这个激励计划会奏效。”溪边中学共有2500名学生。 Vocabulary: pet that you strongly dislike because it always annoys you 很不喜欢的东西 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fca7b6d5ea7101f69e3143323968011ca200f7e5.html