经济学人双语2012年4月最新文章《妇女和儿童优先》考研必备 (2)

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妇女和儿童优先? 作者:

爱思英语编者按:近日 3D 版《泰坦尼克号》电影正在国内热映。在电影里,我们看到了一 幅幅充满人性、感人至深的温暖画面:爱德华老船长庄严宣布让妇女儿童首先离船。一位父 亲深情地亲吻小女儿之后将她送上救生艇„„然而,历史的真相远远没有那么温暖。让人遗 憾的是,“妇女儿童优先”的动人救生口号并非完全属实,获得优先权的主要是头等舱、二 等舱的妇孺。统计数据表明,头等舱男乘客的生还率比三等舱中儿童的生还率还稍高一点。

美国新泽西州州立大学教授、著名社会学家戴维·波普诺在他的《社会学》一书中这样写道: “不幸的是救生船不够。尽管很多人 (超过 1500 人)遇难,但乘客注意遵守‘优先救助妇 女儿童’的社会规范”,使得英国公众和政府面对这一巨大灾难, 可以找到一些安慰”—— 统计数据表明,“乘客中 69%的妇女和儿童活了下来,而男乘客只有 17%得以生还”“我们 发现,三等舱中的乘客只有 26%生还,与此相应的是,二等舱乘客的生还率是 44%,头等舱 60%。头等舱男乘客的生还率比三等舱中儿童的生还率还稍高一点。 轮船的头等舱主要

由有钱人住着,二等舱乘客大部分是中产阶级职员和商人,三等舱(以及更低等)主要是由 去美国的贫穷移民乘坐。

Sea disasters 海难

Women and children first? 妇女儿童优先?

THE Titanic disaster has lost nothing of its horrifying appeal, even as we approach its 100th anniversary on April 15. The television is brimming with documentaries, there is the inevitable rebroadcast of James Camerons famous 1997 film (a new, IMAX 3D version of which is now in theatres), and gift shops are busy coming up with new and occasionally macabre gimmicks.

即便我们将在 4 15 日迎来泰坦尼克号事故的 100 周年纪念日,这场灾难令人毛骨悚然的 吸引力仍历久弥新。电视上充斥着泰坦尼克号的纪录片,重播詹姆斯·卡梅隆 1997 年拍摄 的经典影片也势在必行(该片新的 IMAX 3D 版本正在影院热映),而礼品店也在忙于推出一 些新的噱头,偶尔还有些与死亡有关的晦气玩意。

Economists are interested, too. Survival on board the Titanic is famous for its gender bias: roughly three out of four women survived, and almost half of the children, but only around 20% of men and crew. Social norms, an important building block of an economy, seem to hold up even in the most extreme of circumstances. Or should we say British norms? The recent Costa Concordia disaster off the coast of Italy, in which the captain abandoned his sinking ship, led to discussions of British chivalry at sea.

就连经济学家也对此很感兴趣。泰坦尼克号的幸存者因其性别分化而闻名:每四名妇女中约 有三人获救,约一半儿童生还,但男性和船员只有 20%左右活了下来。作为一国经济的重要

基础,社会准则看似在最为极端的环境下仍坚持了下来。或者,我们是不是该称之为“英国 准则”?在最近意大利的科斯塔-康科迪亚号事故中,船长弃船逃走任其沉没,引起了人们 对于英国人在海上表现出的骑士精神的讨论。

A new and timely paper from Sweden tries to shed some further light on the issue. Mikael Elinder and Oscar Erixson of Uppsala University have looked at 18 peace-time shipwrecks for which they could find detailed data. The results are striking. Women had a lower chance of survival in 11 out of 18 instances. Only on two ships was it an advantage to be a woman: on the Birkenhead in 1852 and on the Titanic. The best odds of survival on average were, somewhat surprisingly, those of the crew, followed by none other than the captain. Children were worst off (see the chart below, in which MS is the sample of the 16 ships other than the much-studied Titanic and Lusitania).

瑞典一份适时的研究报告尝试进一步揭示这个问题。乌普萨拉大学的迈克尔 -艾林德和奥斯 -埃里克森研究了 18 起能找到详细资料的、发生在和平时期的沉船事故。结果令人大跌眼 镜。18 起事故中的 11 起,妇女的生还率都低于男性。只有在两艘船上身为女性是一种优势: 伯肯黑德号(1852 年沉没)和泰坦尼克号。稍微令人惊讶的是,平均生还几率最大的是船 员,第二名则非船长莫属。而儿童的生还率最低(见下图。MS 为被研究得最多的泰坦尼克 和卢西塔尼亚号之外的 16 艘船的样本)

Is the Titanic therefore just an exception to the rule? Or are there other factors that can explain the difference in survival outcomes? Several possibilities come to mind: whether the ship sank fast, whether it was before or after the First World War, whether the captain gave the order that women and children are to be evacuated firstand whether the ship was British. The researchers tested all these different explanations.

泰坦尼克号是否只是一个例外?还有其他因素能解释生存情况的区别吗?研究者想到了几 个可能因素:船是否很快沉没,沉船发生在一战前还是一战后,船长是否下达了妇女和儿童
