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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语考试的流程最开始是general introduction,每个同学一进入考场之后,会有个20~30秒钟热身,考官会和大家做一个非常非常简短的交流。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语考试的三部分,欢迎阅读!


  第一部分叫做daily questions或者daily conversation


  第二部分叫做topics cards话题卡


  第三部分叫做two way discussion,双向讨论


  雅思口语考试的评分标准叫做ban discript。雅思口语考试分四项来考察大家,第一项叫做Fluency & coherence流利度和连贯性,第二项叫做Lexical Resource词汇资源,第三项叫做Grammatical Use语法的应用和准确度,以及最后一项Pronunciation,就是我们经常所说的发音。  


  Tips for answering this Cue Card Sample:

  You should talk about a restaurant that you know about. Do not pick arenowned restaurant that you know very little. You are free to describe theinterior design, service, external environment, dishes served of the restaurantthe way you like. It does not have to be an exact match with the restaurant youactually go a lot. You should add some of your memorable events of thisrestaurant. Some of the common features that people like about a restaurantsare:

  1. Delicious dishes.

  2. Reasonable price.

  3. Easy to go there from home.

  4. Quiet and nice environment.

  5. Attractive decoration and view.

  6. Playground for kids.

  7. Open space.

  8. Privacy.

  9. Service and behaviour of the staffs.

  10. Special treats for the regular customer.

  11. Variety of foods.

  12. Past memory related to the restaurant.

  13. Recommendation from friends and family members.

  14. Discounts, etc.

  In your answer you can use the above mentioned points.

  If you are prepared for this cue card sample you should be able to answerthe following cue cards as well:

  1. Talk about a place you often go to. (You can say that you often go tothis restaurant)

  2. Describe a place you would recommend your friends to visit.

  3. Describe a party centre you went recently.

  4. Describe a restaurant you recently visited.

  5. Talk about a place where you often meet your friends.

  6. Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.


  Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favouriterestaurant. The name of my favourite restaurant is (say the name of therestaurant you are going to talk about) and it’s situated at the centre of thecity I am currently living in. Not only I like the spacious, serene environment,tasty menus that the restaurant serves, but I have lots of memories related tothis restaurant. I remember that my parents celebrated some of my birthdayparties there, our college friends arranged the get-together parties, one of mycousins’ marriage ceremony was celebrated there and similarly I attended lots ofother parties at this very restaurant.

  The restaurant has 3 floors and the sitting arrangement is quite nice.Paintings of famous artists have been hanging on the walls and the place isquite neat and clean. The interior decoration is charming and gorgeous feeling.The ground floor is spacious and can accommodate more than 50 cars' parking. Thefront view of the restaurant is different as the place gives the impression ofan urban garden.

  The restaurant offers several dishes including exotic deserts, ice-creamsand also offers a separate place for the kids to play and have fun. The pricesare reasonable and the foods are served quickly as opposed to some otherrestaurants where you will have to wait for a long for your foods to appear onyour table. The waiters and other staffs are friendly and welcoming. Therestaurant offers Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai, Pakistani and local menus thatgives you a wide ranges and options to pick from. The soft background music andinstrumentals make the environment more enjoyable and soothing. The tables arenot congested and people can chat over their personal topics withoutinterruption. The long glass made windows offer the city view which makes theplace worth visiting besides the delicious foods. The place must be a good placeto be as I often found the foreign tourists visiting the restaurant. Theauthority lets the customers provide their feedbacks and comments on foods andthe place and as I have noticed they take prompt action on a customercomplaint.

  In short, this is a really nice restaurant to go and enjoy the deliciousmeals.

3.雅思口语Part2之a good cook

  Tips for answering this Cue Card topic:

  You can talk about one of your family members who you know is good atcooking. Alternatively you can talk about a famous cook from your city andcountry. This cue card asks you to talk about a person who is a good cook. Soyou can describe a famous cook who is not personally known to you but you haveheard about him/her from newspaper, internet or TV. But specifically mentionthat you have heard about his/her cooking skills and fames from a source andnever met him / her personally.

  You can also talk about your mother/ sisters or grandmother and describeher cooking ability. Talking about a family member/ friend or relative wouldhelp you describing them in details and you would be able to give moreinformation about them than a famous cook who you know very little.

  Interestingly, males are also good at cooking so you can pick your father,uncle or brother as well and describe their cooking skills. It would be alluringto talk about yourself if you are a good cook. But avoid that! Describing yourcooking ability and skills as well as other qualities would be bit tricky totalk about.

  Things you should mention about the person who you would like to describeas a good cook:

  Can cook several dishes.

  Has a natural talent of cooking foods.

  People always appreciate the dishes s/he cooks

  S/he has learned cooking from his/her family and has no academic trainingon cooking.

  S/he has taken a course on cooking and thus his/ her interests on cookinggrew up

  You should be able to answer the following cue cards as well if you preparefor this cue card topic:

  1. Describe a person of your family who has a special skill.

  2. Describe something you learned from your family members.

  3. Describe skill you have.

  4. Describe a family member of your family.

  5. Talk about one of your friends who has a skill you admire.


  I know some of my relatives who are good at cooking and I have heard aboutsome famous cooks, nationally and internationally, who have magical power ofmaking delicious cuisines. But I'd like to talk about my mother whom I think isthe greatest cook of the world. I have never enjoyed any menu more than thefoods made by my mother. She is a gifted cook and she has a good reputation ofmaking delicious and tasty menu out of very ordinary ingredients.

  The way she arranges the kitchen and makes foods is lovely and in mychildhood I used to think that she had taken training on cooking. But sheactually learned the cooking from her family and was in charge of cooking for alarge joint family. She is a graduate and I heard that she has a passion ofcooking as she took several subjects related to house-keeping and cooking.

  My mother was raised in a sub-urban area and got married at her 20 years ofold. She continued her education and then took charge of cooking in my father'sfamily. I have heard the appreciation of her cooking from many of our relativesand neighbours and felt proud of her.

  Finding her cooking gives me a feeling that it's not a hard task, ratherit's an artistic performance that the performer enjoys a lot. Sometimes I havebeen amazed to find her making foods in no times for the guests.

  She mostly makes foods for the family members and that includes cookingmaking breads, rice, meats, fishes, burgers, sweet-meats, curry etc. For thefestivals she makes cake, rich foods, and snacks, local and foreign cuisines. Ihave found her cooking Chinese, Thai, Italian and Mexican foods as well and thatwas always a wonder how she has learned those menus as she has never travelledto those countries nor has taken any training on making those foods. It willalways be a mystery to me.

