【#英语口语# 导语】在练习口语的时候,有一个很有效的方法,就是找到一本自己很感兴趣的英文书,找出其中的经典的句子,去记忆去背诵。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语考试范例,欢迎阅读!
What are the characteristics of a good friend/ describe the person you admired most/describe the person who has great influence on you.
In my opinion, a good friend should possess the following three main characteristics. First, he should be reliable, as it is an essential quality of a good friend. That is, I can trust in him since he will not tell me a bad lie or tell others some of my secrets. Second, he should be helpful. He can give me a hand when I face some trouble or provide me with some suggestions when there is a (dilemma)( 用的很漂亮!) in front of me. Finally, he should be optimistic, since I don’t want to hear a person always complaining every day.
1.从回答的结构上看,采用了First,Second,Finally. 使内容一目了然,很有条理性。
2. 从内容上看,内容基本完整,而且较有深度。实际上雅思考试的难易程度与大学英语六级相仿,但是在内容方面更具有深度.这也恰恰体现在口语方面.例如在回答的内容上再添加一点,就会更加锦上添花。例如:In my opinion, another valuable quality in my friend is his refusal to admit defeat. Whenever he is confronted with a problem or difficulty, the very first idea that occurs to him is that there must be a solution. 这样看上去,回答的内容更加丰满了,而且个人观点也很鲜明了。
3.在回答问题的时候要多多注意语速,要适中.还有一个更为重要的方面,就是发音,这是一个 “门面”.实际上吸引人的发音,可能会大大弥补内容方面的欠缺.建议可以跟读磁带,并可以做成dictation的形式, 既纠正了口语发音,又练习了听力。
第一阶段主要是为了放松与热身,作为面试的序幕,初步展示考生的英文口头表达能力(talking basically and giving simple information)。其特点是试探性的,考官会用不同的方式问同样的内容(different ways asking the same things),绝对不会为难考生。
第二阶段则进入发展阶段,这一阶段的交谈开始切入话题(talking in more detail),其特点是要求考生通过描述(describe)、比较(compare)和解释(explain),使谈话更加深入(more personal),提供比第一阶段内容更多的回答(longer answers)。
第三阶段考查考生通过提问获取信息的能力(getting information)。在此需要特别提醒的是有些人在这一部分表现得差,要引起充分的重视。
第四阶段是整个面试的高 潮部分,要求考生在前三个阶段表现了自己的基本交际能力之后,对自己的口语水平作的发挥,以让考官探知考生水平的等级。因此,考官会有意识地增加难度(try to stretch you),而且会更加灵活、深入,对问题的回答则要求更加充实、具体(be specific and adequate)。但其难度应在不会阻碍交流继续下去的范围之内,以保证测试的信度(reliability)和效度(validity)。
第一,没有统一要求的所谓"标准口音",考生没有必要非得去模仿标准的英国英语(the standard Queen's English)不可。
第二,IELTS口语中使用的词语须自然易懂(natural and understandable)。
第三,IELTS口语考试中语法并非绝对地重要(important but not the most important)。
在这一点上,母语为英语的人(native English speaker)与我们母语为汉语的人看法上有差异。讲英语时,前者关注的是语法错误对理解所产生的影响,信息交流是否受到阻碍;后者则更关心是否违反了英语的语法规则,关心语言形式的完整性。
事实上,用词失误比语法失误更能造成考官的理解障碍。因此,对词义的把握比对语法规则的把握更为重要。说话时尽量做到可理解、可接受以及不冒犯人。当然,重复最基本的语法错误也是不能容忍的,譬如"she"说成"he","I am"说"I is"等。我们往往对语法规则了然于心,然而出口便错,这不是说话时忘记了语法规则的问题,而是缺乏专门的、有针对性的训练。
Describe a historical building in your country.
You should say:
where it is
when and who you went with
what it is like
and explain why you think you wanted to visit it.
I don’t think you can talk about historical buildings in China without mentioning one of the most recognizable buildings in the world, the Great Wall. It is located in the north of China, with some parts close to the capital, Beijing.
I visited it with my parents and siblings during a summer vacation a few years ago. Unfortunately this is peak season as the weather is glorious and people like to travel during this period, so it was jam-packed. The Great Wall is one of China’s premier tourist attractions and as such is a major draw.
The Wall itself was fantastic. As it is an ancient structure, parts of it are ruined due to the effects of time, but other parts have been reconstructed for tourists in order for them to see how it would have looked, as well as making it safe to climb. When you look out across the hills and mountains, it seems to go on forever, as far as the eyes can see.
I wanted to visit the Great Wall as it is an iconic building in China, no trip to Beijing is complete without a jaunt out to the Wall. As far as I’m concerned it has a timeless quality and I could spend all day walking up and down it. It was voted one of the Seven New Wonders of the World and people say it is visible from space, although this is actually a misconception.
1. Listen to yourself
2. Slow down
很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。
3. Picture it
4. Get physical
发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。
5. Watch yourself
站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。