

时间:2021-09-06 09:40:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】扎实理解和掌握基本词汇,加深对英语国家语言背后的文化的了解以帮助准确使用俗语俚语,以及熟练基本句式和选择那种开门见山的表达是克服中式思维的重要步骤。以下是©文档大全网整理的如何克服雅思口语中文思维,欢迎阅读!



  其次是俚语的使用,准确使用俚语其实也可以大大克服一些中文思维。比方说很多同学张口就来 “as strong as an ox.” 但是在英语里面通常的同意表达是 “as strong as a horse.”故而加大对西方文化的了解,恰当准确地使用俚语是也有效避免中文思维的有效途径。

  再者句式:我听到学生多次说 “I very much like it. ”或者是“I with her went to cinema. ” 这种 “我很喜欢它”和“我和她去看电影”的直接翻译其实是对英文表达中基本句式的不了解造成的。而其实鬼佬很少这样说这句活。考官听了之后自然会觉得你的英语不地道。在这里,我们可以看到熟稔英语里面的那五个基本句型是多么的重要。当然要在规避中文思维方面取得更大的进步,必须掌握更多的英语常用表达句式。

  再者是从语篇的结构来说。中文喜欢把最重要的东西放在段落甚至整篇文章的后面说,意在点睛,这样造成的一个很大风险就是在雅思口语题的卡片题部分,考生很有可能没有点睛就到了两分钟的大限,导致最后的结果是考官听你说了这么长时间还不知道你最终要说个什么道理,这样就直接影响考生在 “coherence”上的得分。英文表达更多的情况是要求开门见山,所以在考试的时候,做到直奔主题更符合西方的思维习惯,也更符合考试时有时间限制这样一个特殊的场合,以效避免上述风险。



  既然口语Part 2卡片题有反复考的可能,那么对这部分常考核心话题预先做好构思和词汇的准备是十分必要的。建议大家不要去背诵Sample Answer,应该从中学习思路和部分词汇,结合自身实际经历感受准备每个话题,避免“撞车”。

  A family member you spent most time with

  A historical place you are interested in

  An advertisement that made you want to buy something

  A piece of good news brought by telephone

  An interesting/impressive speech

  A course you want to learn if you have time

  A sports activity good for health

  A traffic jam

  A TV/Radio Programme

  A song












  这样, 经过大约30-60个小时的训练,其实绝大多数的人都已经有了的通过自己的大脑进行组织语言,或者说组织英语的能力了。换句话说,你也就满足了托福考试的口语线的要求了。


  1. 健康—物品题

  Yes, I think we can keep fit and healthy through doing exercises. In addition, we can get relaxed and refreshed from work and study.

  Yes, definitely. In the first place, doing sports, especially some aerobics, helps you turn off the fatigue in your body. Besides, doing sports is the best stress-reliever, because playing sports takes your mind off things that bother you, and afterwards you can concentrate better.

  2. 交朋友

  …enable me to make friends. By exchanging our opinions, our friendship will get deeper. With communication, I could learn how to discuss, how to persuade, how to negotiate, and how to compromise.

  It could be a great chance for us to make friends. You know ,I mean that you can meet many kind of people and learn many thing from them and even find bosom friends among them.

  3. 成就

  sense of achievement. boost my confidence. proud of myself. since then, I have the solid belief in myself that all difficulties, troubles and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

  It could be a great achievement for me. After that , I will not be afraid of difficult and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

  4. 安全

  assure the safety, protective gear, keeping safe is the number one thing that I care about.

  I have to say that in this way, it can assure the safety.

  5. 效率

  efficiently, save time, it‘s the quickest xxx in the word I have ever seen.

  6. 经验

  It helped me gain precious experience. By working there/as a xxx, I learned sth valuable in xx, such as xxx.

  7. 情感

  whenever I feel delighted, upset, frustrated, I would…



  Example sentences:Most of the people I've met here have been kind.

  lazy - an inactive person who avoids work.

  Example sentences:Pete is very lazy. He rarely gets out of bed before mid-afternoon.

  loud - someone who talks really loudly.

  Example sentences: Rosita is really loud! When she talks, she drowns everybody else out.

  lucky - someone who often has good fortune.

  Example sentences:My brother is very lucky. He's always winning prizes in competitions.

  mean - 1) Someone who is a nasty person. 2) Someone who doesn't like spending money.

  Example sentences:Phillip is very mean. He never pays for his share of things.

  moody - adjective used to describe someone who behaves differently every time you meet them.

  Example sentences:Nina is very moody. Yesterday she said hello; today she just ignored me.

  nasty - a mean, unpleasant person. (the opposite of nice)

  Example sentences:I don't really know any nasty people. Most people I know are very nice.

  neat - a person who is very tidy.

  Example sentences:My flatmate Jorge is very neat and well organised. His room is always tidy.

  nervous - someone who is easily startled by things.

  Example sentences:Anna is a very nervous person. She gets scared easily.

  nice - someone who is friendly and kind. (the opposite of nasty)

  Example sentences:My best friend Lin is a really nice person. She is always there for me.

  polite - someone who has good manners.

  Example sentences:Abdullah is a very polite boy. He always says please and thank you.

  popular - somebody who is liked by many people.

  Example sentences:My cousin Ali is very popular. He has a lot of friends.

  quiet - used to describe someone who doesn't talk very much.

  Example sentences:Helen is a quiet person. She isn't very talkative.

  rude - bad mannered, impolite.

  Example sentences:James is a very rude person. He always pushes in front of people in queues.

  selfish - used to describe someone who only thinks about themselves.

  Example sentences:Jeremy is very selfish. He never helps out with the housework.

  serious - someone who is always very sensible (the opposite of silly).

  Example sentences:Eric is very serious person. He never joins in when we play silly games.

  shy - quiet and a little bit nervous around other people.

  Example sentences:Claire is very shy. She doesn't speak much in class.

  silly - someone who is a bit foolish, or who doesn't behave in a serious way.

  Example sentences:Gina is a bit silly. She messes about in class when she should be working.

  smart - 1) someone who takes a lot of care over their appearance 2) someone who

  is very clever

  Example sentences: (1)Anna is very smart. She is always neatly dressed.

  stupid - (very negative and very impolite - sometimes used as an insult) someone who is not clever.Be careful when using this word! Using neutral adjectives to describe people is much safer.

  tidy - someone who is very neat and well organized.

  Example sentences:My sister is a very tidy person. I'm the opposite; I'm really untidy!

  unlucky - someone who often suffers from bad fortune.

  Example sentences:Sabrina is very unlucky. Things always seem to go wrong for her.

  untidy - someone who is very messy.

  Example sentences:I'm a very messy person. I always forget to put things away!

  vain - (negative) someone who is a bit too fond of their looks.

  Example sentences:Paulina is really vain. She spends far too much time looking in the mirror!

  wise - someone with a lot of common sense and knowledge.

  Example sentences:My grandfather was a very wise man. He taught me many things.

