分享给大家雅思口语Part 2话题Describe a comic actor/cartoon in your country(描述你们国家的一个喜剧演员)的6分范文答案,希望对大家有帮助。
Topic:Describe a comic actor/cartoon in your country.
You should say:
who the actor/cartoon is
what the actor/cartoon do in the comic
how you knew the actor/cartoon
and explain why you like this actor or why the actor/cartoon is popular
Sample answer:
Well, in general, I would say that Zhao Benshan is one of the most popular comic actors, who was born in a small village in North-East China. He was orphaned when he was little. Apprenticed to his uncle, he learned many local traditional performance arts, including erhu and Er Ren Zhuan. He was recommended to the 1987 CCTV New Year's Gala, a TV program broadcast all around China. After his first appearance, he appeared in each Gala show between 1995 and 2011. His well-known performances have included "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow", and "Fix Up the House". Also, he has appeared as an actor in many films, including Zhang Yimou's "Happy Times" in 2000, where he played an aging bachelor dying to get hitched. Zhao did not perform in the 2012 or the following year's CCTV New year's Gala, which has raised public attention about his health condition. This marked the first time since 1994 that he has not performed at the annual event. In fact, he has become a symbol of traditional Chinese Culture. It is impossible for people to have a good understanding of Chinese traditional comedy without knowing him.
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