一、Part 1话题词汇及思路分析
Dancing :
Do you like dancing
Have you ever learned dancing
Popular dance in China
Drogon Donee 舞龙
Lion Dance 舞狮
Feather Fan Dance 羽扇舞
Peacock Dance 孔雀舞
Traditional Chinese Ribbon Dance 绸带舞
Silk Fon Dance 扇舞
Sword Dance 舞剑
Ballet 芭蕾
waltz 华尔兹
Hip-pop 街舞
二、Part 2范文及话题扩展
Talk about a clothes you like, you should say something about what the type this clothes is, when you wear it, the special features of it and why you like it.
Ok, I would answer the first question by saying what the type this clothes is. It is the causal clothcs-a hoody sweatshirt with pockets. Actually I like many kinds of clothes, but this is my favorite one. It /vas Jbought two years ago. At that time, I was in the second year of university. My roommates wanted to wear the samci clothes to show how united we were, therefore bought it.
I still remembered that wherever we went, we always ot public attention. Even the weather became colder, we can still wear it, under that just a regubr T-shirt. As for when I wear it, of course , I wear it on some special days such as the day of dining together, participating the birthday of my roommates or some contests for cheering.
But after my graduation, I haven’t worn it any more. It is mainly because that my roommates and I drifted apart. So you see the reasons that I like this clothes is that whenever I saw it, I would recoil the time of my roommates and I spending together and the things happened during the period of my university. To tell you the truth, now I am cooped up in a small working place, doing endless work until I drag home and thro\J myself deep into the sofa.
Therefore the memory of my school days is the most valuable for me. In addition to this, this clothes is also the symbol of the friendship of my roommates and me. Maybe in our life, friends come and go, but I cherish the time we spent and the experiences wc had would never fade from my memory.
casual clothes休闲服
(fancy) dress 连衣裙
Shirt 衬衫
Talk about two persons coming from the same family. You should say that who they ore, what the similarities and differences of them are, why you want to talk about them.
I would like to talk about my two little sisters of my uncle. One of them arc called Qiqi which means miracIc and the other is Tongtong meaning that she will hove a happy childhood. Both of them arc chubby which rnakes them cute and adorable. Although they have the similar looks and figures, the personalities of them arc totally different. Qi is gentle and quiet while Tong is lively and active.
As regards to why I think of them, most importantly, they ore^irls who always tell the tfutH, I remembered that one day, Tongtong came to my home along witfi her sister ond father. Just os she came in, my neighbor went outside. At the glance of my neighbor, she asked her father loudly, "how can she get through the door. Dad". I mean actually my neighbor is overweight. While in contrast, a Qiqi just smiled and said nothing.
三、Part 3思路分析
1. Con you know people from their clothes?
It depands. As we all know, beauty is only skin-deep. So how should wc judge people from their clothes, I mean the characteristics and personality. But if we just want to know the occupqtions of others, sometimes, you can know people from their clothes.
For example, most white collars prefer to wear suit, and cod miners wear uniforms which are sturdy and wearable. Oh, maybe the most typical one is the policeman uniforms, right?
2. In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?
There are many simibrities when it comes to family members. One that I can think of is the similar looks and figure because of the same genes.
Well, also, we can find that family members talk alike, think alike, and even behave alike since they live together and 1 subconsciously they pick up each other's habits.