

时间:2022-05-06 12:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Talk about your habits for going out to eat

  I think this is good topic for me because I'm always eating out. The truth is that I don't like doing too much cooking so I need to get out quite often-maybe twice a week. Generally Friday, since I don't work on Saturdays so I can just relax.

  I usually go out with my wife, but sometimes with a group of people from work. To tell you the truth, I try to avoid the dinner parties that have lines of beer bottles and rice wine because I know the conversations will just get sillier and sillier. I'd prefer not to pay too much, since it's generally not worth it and you are paying for the ambience more than the food quality. My favourite dishes are seafood dishes, and I don't like my food to be so spicy. I prefer Cantonese-style dishes, which emphasize lighter seasoning and mixed vegetables. The best places to find these kinds of dishes are in specialty Cantonese restaurants, because if you try to get people to cook it up north, you may find yourself quite disappointed with the way they cook it.

  The reason I like these kinds of restaurants is because I'm originally from Guangzhou, so I've never really changed my eating habits. In fact, I still clean all my glasses with tea before I'll even drink out of a cup. Seafood dishes and restaurants are a little more' expensive but the food is nutritious, and there're so many different ways that Cantonese people cook food. You know, beyond just the food, I think it's also important to have good service. Sometimes you

  will find in some of these really big restaurants the waiters and waitresses are so busy that they have no time to serve you well. I like restaurants that have waiters and waitresses who come to you even before you need them. For instance, one good example is the tea. A good restaurant will have waiters and waitresses that are continually checking your tea supply and filling it up.

