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【#小学英语# 导语】当前中国的教育体制任然是应试教育英语亦是,对于学习语言来说,为了对付考试而做题,虽然不很合理,但是确实有一定的帮助和重要性,所以仍然需要接受实际情况,成功的人才亦比比皆是。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


( ) 1. A. beside B. behind C. bridge
( ) 2. A. bike B. lake C. river
( ) 3. A. Wednesday B. windy C. Saturday
( ) 4. A. delicious B. sweet C. tea
( ) 5. A. kind B. art C. strict
1.tomato(复数) ________ 2. box(复数)________
3.is not(缩写形式)_______4.看电视(汉译英)_________
5.young(反义词)_____6.speak English(英译汉)_______
7.fish(复数)_____ 8.看书(汉译英) _______
9.do kung fu(英译汉)______ 10.游泳(汉译英)_____
( )1. ---What do you have___ Mondays?
---We have English, PE and music.
A. in B. on C. at
( )2. ---Do you often play ____football on the weekend?
A. a B. the C. /
( )3.---What’s he like?
A. He is our PE teacher. B. He is funny.
C. He can swim.
( )4. ---Are there _______trees in the park?
---Yes, there are.
A. many B. some C. any
( )5. There_____a clock on the wall.
A. are B.is C. am
( )6. Is there a lake in the forest?---_________.
A. Yes, there isn’t. B.No,there is.
C.Yes, there is.
( )7.---Can you do any kung fu? ---Yes, .
A. I can B. I do C. I am
( )8.--- ____your favourite food?
--- I’d like some hamburgers.
A. What B.What’s C.What are
( )9._____is the first(第一)day of a week.
A.Saturday B.Monday C.Sunday
( )10._____your English teacher?
A.Who’s B.Who C.What
1. food What’s favourite your (?)
2. she What’s like (?)
3. a big bed is There (.)

4. you have do What on Mondays (?)

5. to eat like would What you (?)
( ) 1. Is there a river in the forest?
( ) 2. What would you like to eat?
( ) 3. Can you sing English songs?
( ) 4. What’s your favourite food?
( ) 5. What’s she like?
A.Noodles. B. Yes, there is.
C.I’ d like some hamburgers.
D.She’s young. E. Yes, I can.
( )1.如果你想知道别人想吃什么时,应该问:________
A.What would you like to drink?
B.What would you like to eat?
( )2.我想喝些水,该怎么说:________
A.I’d like some water.
B.I’d some water.
( )3.如果想知道别人怎么样,该怎么说:________
A.What’s she like?
B.What she like?
( )4.你想知道公园里是否有一些湖泊,该怎么问:______
A. Is there a lake in the park?
B. Are there any lakes in the park?
( )5.你想知道周一有什么课,怎么问你的同桌:_______
A.What do we have on Mondays?
B.What do you often do?
I’m Wu Yifan. I’m 11 years old. I’m a good student at school. I can speak English well, dance and play basketball. I have a robot,his name’s Robin. He can help my mother cook and wash the clothes. But he can’t swim.My sister is five years old. She can play the pipa and draw cartoons. But she can’t cook. My brother can do some kung fu. But he can’t play the piano.
( )1. Wu Yifan can speak English,dance and play basketball.
( )2.Robin can swim.
( )3.Wu Yifan’s sister can cook .
( )4.Wu Yifan’s brother can do some kung fu.
( )5.Wu Yifan’s sister is 10 years old.
十、Read and write(读短文,根据短文内容和图片先选择,再写一写你自己的房间).
Look! This is Zoom’s room. There is a bed in the room. There is a desk beside the bed. There is a computer on the desk. There are some books on the bed. There are two plants near the bed. There is a photo on the wall. The room is very nice. Do you like it?
( )1. Which is Zoom’s room? Read and tick(选出正确图片)
2.What’s in your room? Write four sentences about your room.
There is
There are
3. There is a bi bed here.
4. Is your English teacher young?
5. What would you like to eat?


( ) ( )
( )1.A. I’m on your left.
B. I’m on your right.
( )2. A. He likes taking pictures
B. He likes playing with a dog.
( )3. A. What are the elephants doing?
B. What is the elephant doing?
( )4. A. Can I have some milk?
B. Can we have some milk?
( )5. A. There are five children.
B. There are two girls.
( )6. A. Nancy is going to give me a toy plane.
B. Cindy is going to give me a toy plane.
( )7. A. O n sports day, we do the long jump.
B. On Halloween, we say “Trick or treat”.
( )8. A. He is riding a bike.
B. They are running with their friends.
( )9. A. Do you want some rice?
B. Do you want some rice?
( )10. A. We have a big family dinner.
B. We have a big family lunch.
( )1.A. kid B. next C. much
( )2. A. well B. tomorrow C. buy
( )3. A. help B. high C. past
( )4. A. fast B. last C. past
( )5. A. luck B. bus C. but
( )6. A. China B. Chinese C. Christmas
( )7. A. pig B. big C. dig
( )8. A. sheep B. sleep C. deep
( )9. A. face B. date C. make
( )10. A. boat B. coat C. like
( )1.A. Yes, I can.
B. That is OK.
( )2. A. They are going to go to China.
B. They are students.
( )3. A. There are twelve boys in the classroom.
B. They are playing basketball.
( )4. A. I am happy.
B. Yes, I am going to run on sports day.
( )5. A. He is kind.
B. He is behind the door.
( )1. What are you doing, Mum?
---I am dumplings.
A. make B. making C. makes
( )2. Amy, can you fast?
A. running B. run C. runs
( )3. Can you help me,Sam?
-- ,of course.
A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know
( )4. They going to Hainan.
A. is B. are C. am
( )5. Xiaoyong is going to get up 5 o’clock.
A. on B. for C. at
( )6. We’re going to some socks.
A. buy B. bought C. buys
( )7. I’m the .
A. winner B. win C. winer
( )8. 好朋友过生日时候,你应该怎么说 .
A. I’m very happy. B. Happy birthday. C. Thank you.
( )9. 当别人祝福你生日快乐,你应该怎么回复 .
A. Yes, I am. B. Of course. C. Thank you.
( )10. 你为在运动场上的运动员加油时候,你应该说 .
A. Come. B. Come in, please. C. Come on.
1. also A.能够 2. sea A.跳舞
near B.也,还 year B.黑暗
can C.买 dark C.大海
buy D.一些 dance D.居住
some E.附近,临近 live E.年份
eg: Can I have some bread? (√) Yes, you can.
Can I have some sweets? (╳) Sorry, you can’t.
1. Can I have some soup? (√)
2. Can I have some milk? (╳)
3. Can I have some juice? (╳)
4. Can I turn on the light? (√)
5. Can I have some noodles? (√)
1. There are 5 eggs. 2. There is a plane. 3. There is a cat.
4. We are going to play with a horse at one o’clock.
5. I am going to visit my grandpa at six o’clock.
Dear children,
I’m in China. China is a very beautiful (漂亮的) and big(大的)country. I am writing an email(写邮件) now, because(因为)I miss you very much. I am going to eat dumplings at the Spring Festival, and I am going to see pandas.
Tomorrow is the Spring Festival. Happy New Year!
( ) 1.Lucy is reading a book.
( ) 2.Lucy is going to see pandas.
( ) 3.Lucy is eating fruit at the Spring Festival.
( ) 4. Tomorrow is the Spring Festival.
( ) 5.Lucy is n China.


一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或短语。(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,计10分)
( )1. A. litter
( )2. A. smell
( )3. A. sky
( )4. A. sing
( )5. A. ground
( )6. A. project
( )7. A. told
( )8. A. too much
( )9. A. threw
( )10. A. cut down B. little
B. still
B. skin
B. sign
B. around
B. protect
B. hold
B. so much
B. throw
B. put down C. letter
C. spell
C. slip
C. song
C. playground
C. plastic
C. cold
C. too many
C. through
C. sit down

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) 1. A. He read newspapers. B. She had a fashion show C. It was great fun.
( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. No, I can’t.
( ) 3. A. It’s Monday. B. It’s the second of February. C. It’s rainy.
( ) 4. A. He could draw. B. He can draw. C. He likes drawing.
( ) 5. A. We can study hard. B. We can throw rubbish anywhere. C. We can’t litter.
It was last Sunday. I to a farm with my friends bike. We some animals there. We picked apples and fish. In the afternoon, the weather . We kites high in the sky. We very .
( ) 1. Ann and her friends are talking _____their plans ____ the holiday.
A. to; about B. to; with C. about; for
( ) 2. She is _________ her glasses. But she can’t ________ them.
A. looking for; find B. finding, look for C. looking at, find
( ) 3. She ___________ to school every day.
A. takes a bus B. by bus C. drive
( ) 4. There __________ coal or oil on the Earth.
A. is much B. isn’t many C. isn’t much
( ) 5. It was time ___________ dinner.
A. to B. for have C. for
( ) 6. These signs on the wall______ “No littering”.
A. mean B. means C. to mean
( ) 7. That boy was late for school again. Miss Li got very ___________.
A. happy B. angry C. angrily
( ) 8. There _____ a lot of fish in the lake.
A. is B. are C. was
( ) 9. In the US, people call the metro “ ”
A. underground B. subway C. train
( ) 10. My books are on the ground. Can you _____ for me?
A. pick up them   B. pick them up C. pick up
( ) 11. World Environment Day is___________.
A. on 12th March B. on 22nd April C. on 5th June
( ) 12. It’s _____ turn, Billy.
A. you B. I C. your
( ) 13. Black Beauty’s mother wanted him to be ________.
A. gentle and good B. bad and foolish C. sad and angry
( ) 14. When Black Beauty was ill,Little Joe Green .
A. put a warm blanket on him B. gave him some cold water C. cleaned him
( ) 15. Mary Lennox was born in ______.
A. the UK B. the US C. India
( ) 1. Do you like the present? A. I’m sorry.
( ) 2. How was your holiday? B. OK.
( ) 3. Let’s make a poster. C. We are going to have a party.
( ) 4. What did you do last May Day? D. I visited the Palace Museum.
( ) 5.Is our city clean? E. It comes from the trees.
( ) 6.What does the wood come from? F. No, it isn’t.
( ) 7. You shouldn’t draw on the desk. G. It was great fun.
( ) 8. What are you going to do at Christmas? H. Yes, I do.
1. Let’s put rubbish in the bin ______ (keep) our city clean.
2. He’d like ______ (do) a project.
3. Look, the little boy ______ (laugh) happily.
4. Rubbish ______ (make) the water dirty.
5. Can you give me ______ (some) juice?
6. It is often ____________ (rain) in summer in our city.
7. Mr Brown usually ________ (write) letters to his friends when he was young.
8. We use water (clean) things every day.
1. I was at home yesterday. (改成一般疑问句)
______ you at home yesterday?
2. He brought some bread and honey. (改为否定句)
He any bread or honey.
3. Give me the mobile phone.(改为同义句)
Give the mobile phone ______ _______.
4. The sign means “No parking” .(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ the sign ________?
1. 下周是国庆节
It is going to _______ National Day week.
2. 小心,地面很滑。
Be , the is wet.
3. 五年前,她开始在网上购物。
Five years _______ , she started doing _______ on the Internet.
4. 很开心收到你的邮件。
It was nice _______ _______ your email.
Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for a program(节目). Most of the boys 1 girls like the program. They 2 like Jim Green. Some of them often call him and thank him for his work. There are lots of 3 to him every day, too.
Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk 4 breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and gets to his office at 7:15.
The program 5 at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time 6 the news.
Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home 7 car. He 8 newspapers and listens to music after supper.
He thinks his life is very interesting.
( )1. A. and
( )2. A. too
( )3. A. letters
( )4. A. at
( )5. A. begin
( )6. A. to
( )7. A. by
( )8. A. looks B. with
B. to
B. letter
B. with
B. finishes
B. for
B. in
B. reads C. but
C. also
C. email
C. for
C. starts
C. of
C. on
C. watches
Helen Keller was a great woman writer. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “She is better, but now she can’t hear.” Her mother and father were very sad. After a few years, things got worse(更糟). There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn’t understand anything.
Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn(学习)about words. Helen was a clever child and soon she learned to spell her first word.
Helen was very famous. She was blind(瞎的) and deaf(聋的), but she found a way to see and hear. She helped many blind and deaf people.
( ) 1. Helen Keller was a great woman writer.
( ) 2. She was blind and deaf when she was born(出生).
( ) 3. With the help of her parents, Helen could see and hear at last.
( ) 4. Helen was very lucky(幸运的)to meet the teacher.
( ) 5. Though(尽管)Helen was blind and deaf, she found another way to see and hear.
Many students find it is not easy to study English well. When I was thirteen, I began to keep diary(写日记) in English. At first it was difficult to me, but now it is easy. I know it is not easy to study English well without(没有) more practice(练习). I like reading, listening and speaking. After school I often go to the library to read English stories.
I have no time to watch TV. After I finish(完成)writing my diary, I always try to do more practice with the help of the dictionary(词典). I think that keeping diary is one of the best ways to study English.
( ) 1. When I was years old, I began to keep diary.
A. twelve B. thirteen C. fourteen
( ) 2. , it’s not easy for me to keep diary.
A. At first B. At last C. Now
( ) 3. The writer often after school.
A. speaks English B. reads English C. listens to English songs
( ) 4. I always do more practice with the help of the .
A.TV B. radio C. dictionary
( ) 5. The writer thinks is one of the best ways to study English.
A. watching TV B. keeping diaries C. seeing movies
地球是我们的家园,保护地球,人人有责!请以Protect the Earth为题,写一篇短文,和大家分享一下你的看法吧!

