【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语考试时间大约为11到14分钟,因为考试形式是于考官面对面交流,所以在雅思口语考试中给考官的第一印象很重要。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语面对考官的注意事项,欢迎阅读!
第一次和考官见面的时候,可以和考官进行简单的寒暄,例如Nice to meet you。也可以聊天气:It’s really hot outside。如果遇到节日,也可以热情地说Happy new year或Merry Christmas。这样就已经足够了,不要说太多,免得考官没听懂,又会影响印象。
Examiner: How long have you been living in Manchester?
Student: I came here before one month?
Examiner: One month ago?
Student: Yes, before one month.
这段对话中,学生犯了一个错误,英语中通常说"one month ago",而不说"before one month"。这位考生并没有注意到考官在指正自己的表达。所以想要告诉大家的是,如果考官用另一种表达来复述你刚刚说过的话,很可能是你表达有误,再说到的时候要避免并改正。
Describe a time you were very busy.
You should say:
When it happened;
Where you were;
What you did;
And explain why you were that busy.
I was fair busy in the last month of my life in High school.
For each student who goes to High School, he will have to deal with maybe the most important examinations in his entire life, the College Entry Examination, known as the CEE. If you pass it with a good score, you will get into a really good university which might get you a better life afterwards.
We all know this theory and know we should work around the clock trying to get a good score. The difference is that we don’t have to know we need to start as early as possibly especially when the exam is still 3 months away. That is 180 days, namely 4320 hours or 259,200 seconds. It is a long time. That is to say.
So I just took my time and started my last semester in a light mood.
With time coming and going, I still didn’t feel the urgency. However, one day I woke up from my nice dreams of being accepted by Peking University, I suddenly realized that we have go only 20 days left from the CEE. I got panicked. I was still much bad in Chinese, Math, English, History, Chemistry and even PE.
So I chose to do all human being could do in that scenario. I dived into books.
For the next 20 days, I got up at 4:30 in the morning, reading some English texts or Chinese texts for about 1 hour, then rushed to canteen for a simple breakfast, then ran to classroom to finish 2 math equations and then got a break while going to the bathroom. In class, I stopped talking to my desk mate or staring at the girl I secretly loved. All my attentions were devoted to the teachers. I didn’t nap in the noon. Well sometimes I nodded off unconsciously. That didn’t count. I would work with my physics or chemistry during noon breaks. And after evening classes at 9, I would stay in classroom fighting against Romans or Muslims till our janitor threatened to hit us with his stick for us to leave. Even after I got back to the dormitory, a flash light would offer me the knowledge light. Honestly, I had about 10 flash lights confiscated by the dorm inspectors.
I worked like this every day for 20 days. And I didn’t even know how I could make it for 20 continuous days.
And finally when I got the result of the CEE, I started to understand the meaning of “Hard work doesn’t have to pay.” And that is the busiest time I could remember in my life.
3.雅思口语Part 2和Part3指南
1、雅思口语Part 2这部分真的很想强调:逻辑很重要。其实考官给你的topic本子上所列出的问题会地帮你理清回答该topic的思路,以及圈定你回答问题的范围。这个是雅思官方减小你离题的风险,同时也有利于考官给你打分。所以在雅思考试和平时练习的时候,你都要好好利用topic下面的几个小问题。通常是简单交代前面几个when,where的这种问题,重点展开讲的是后面的what,why,how这种。你要让考官知道你回答过这些问题了。
特别要注意的是,据最近考试发现,现在part 2卡片上的问题会有所变动,所以可能会有跟你平时训练有所差距,这个时候也不用太过紧张,你需要做的 就是能跟这个问题扯上的就扯上,不能扯的就不要生搬硬套,因为如果答非所问的话,考官会给你扣分。你需要重新理理回答的逻辑和思路,这个能力平时再练习的时候需要好好巩固,不光是这里,因为你到了Part 3,这个能力就是你可以支撑自己顺利回答part 3问题的法宝。不过也不用担心,如果真的是无法回答这个问题,你可以用一句话带过,重点讲另外几个问题,但是千万不要不回答。
所以也不用太过紧张,反而影响了Part2和Part 3的回答。轻松以对哈,这个时候就算心里一百个波涛汹涌,也要沉下心来好好理清思绪,这个要求平时练习的时候要多多训练新题,理清自己回答的逻辑,到了考场你就不会因为遇到新题太过紧张而丢分。
2、雅思口语Part 3这个部分的问题是对于Part 2 topic的深入探讨,问的问题会涉及到社会范畴。这个部分问题你是无法事先准备的,这个时候很需要自己对待新题有个基本的回答逻辑和思路,再加上回答的一些技巧。这个部分最能体现我们的交流能力。所以在平时练习的时候,多多训练的是自己的回答逻辑。一般涉及到社会范畴的这类问题,大致都不太好回答。大家可以根据 总体—个体,这样的模式来进行具体问题具体剖析,先来句总体的讲这类问题的一个现状,或是大家对于这个问题的一些普遍看法,然后再想方设法地进行分类,比如,老人,年轻人,男生,女生,都会有不同的。或是进行分点讲,第二,第三这种。这个部分逻辑真的很重要,你需要keep talking,这个时候不同于part 1,你能多讲尽量多讲,但是不能扯得太远哈。这部分考官不会打断你,会让你一直讲,如果你遇到自己感觉比较容易回答的,那么你就尽量多说,因为雅思考试时间是有限的,你回答地多了,那么你被问的问题就少了,遇到新题的概率就少了。
我们通过Part 1和 Part 3两道例题,再来完整回顾一下“直接回答-给原因-给细节”这个法则。
Part 1例题:What’s your favorite part of your country?
I definitely think the food culture is the best part of my country. (直接作答)I mean, China never fails to satisfy all peoples’ needs for tasty food. (给原因)Although sometimes the way we make food is not that healthy, I still think it’s an ideal place for foodies for the reason that it has a lot to offer, from spicy food to light-cooked food to various kinds of dessert.(给细节)
有时“给原因”和“给细节”的顺序可以灵活调整,参考下面Part 3部分的一道例题:Are science museums popular in China?
Definitely! Science museums are popular among not only science buff but also people who are not that crazy about science (直接作答). Actually, no matter it’s during the weekdays or on the weekends, science museums are always busy and full of visitors (给细节). As I see it, it’s mainly because the exhibitions/displays in those science museums enable people to enhance their knowledge about S&T in an interactive and vivid way
Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting.
You should say:
Where you would like to go;
How you would like to go there;
Who you would like to go with;
And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.
We drove to Xiang Shui HU Great Wall one winter Sunday and that was pretty interesting to me.
Out of no reason, my mother said she wanted to climb up the great wall. I guess that was probably because she had been under great pressure and desired to eliminate her mental stress with physical labor. And so we went.
It was a cold but sunny day. When we got off the high way and entered the rural area where the city dwelled, the views and scenes started to be more changeable and colourful. Village abodes of all sorts, frozen rives, withered grass, naked trees and even the cock crows and dog barks made the desolate and silent villages alive. We came across a school in the mountain area. It had the mountain behind it and a river in front. According to Chinese Feng Shui, its located couldn't be better. The main teaching building was 5 floors, light yellow. So imagine the nice color match of sky blue, cloud white, mountain grey and building yellow. It was like a fine art painting. And we got off our car and took some really nice photos.
After turning and cornering and accelerating upwards and breaking downwards, we finally arrived at the foot of Xiang Shui Hu Great Wall.
We were the only visitor there due to the cold weather and low temperature. We parked in the parking and saw directly a giant dam between the service area and the Great Wall. Waters of melting snow and ice could be heard clearly and loudly among the little valleys and along the river, right at the foot of the Great Wall. I guessed that was why this fragment of Great Wall got its name. The dam was pretty tall as the valley was so deep. Standing on it, I didn't even dare to look down. My mother grasped the arm of my father and we passed it hastily. The walls here were not tall and we reached one watch tower without any difficulty. Standing by the wall, we had the entire view of the valley and the villages before us. My mother said really loudly that her boss was a mean guy, which made both my father and me laugh hard. She had never been like this before and the pressure must have been really heavy to her.
We walked along the walls for about 30 minutes and saw no more changes in natural views or the great wall magnificence, only the temperature dropping sharply.