Ⅰ.核心学习:Medical Insurance 医疗保险 Michael: Billy, can you come to my office for a meeting? 迈克:比利,你能来我的办公室开个会吗? Billy: Sure. Michael. What do you want to discuss with me? 比利:当然了,迈克。你想和我商量什么? Michael: Well, I need to tell you that the report you gave me yesterday is just terrible. 迈克:呃,我要告诉你,昨天你给我的报告简直糟透了。 Billy: I knew you would say that. 比利:我就知道你会这么说。 Michael: What is the reason you did such a sloppy job on the report? Usually your work is of a high standard. 迈克:你做的报告这么邋遢的原因是什么?你的工作通常总是高标准的。 Billy: I have been feeling really sick for the last few days. 比利:我前几天一直觉得很不舒服。 Michael: Well, why didn't you go to see the doctor? 迈克:那么,你什么没有去看医生? Billy: Because I am broke! 比利:因为我没钱了! Michael: But the company has medical and dental insurance for you! 迈克:但是公司有你的医疗和牙科保险啊! Billy: I never knew that! You mean I can see the doctor for nix? 比利:我从来不知道!你是说我可以免费去医院? Michael: Come to my office and I will give you all of the forms you need, my sick friend. 迈克:来我的办公室,我给你你需要的所有表格,我生病的朋友。 Ⅱ.单词简析 1)Sloppy: lazy, not careful 邋遢:懒,不细心 ex:Your boss will not be happy with your performance if your work is always sloppy. 如果你的工作总是邋邋遢遢的,你的老板是不会喜欢你的表现的。 2) Broke: having no money 破产:没有任何钱 ex:Being broke is no fun at all - you can't do anything without money. 破产可不好玩 - 没有钱,你什么都做不了。 3) Medical insurance: a way of protecting yourself from very large medical costs 医疗保险:一种就大额的医疗花费保护你自己的方式 ex:Medical insurance means you pay a small amount of money each month and then if you have to see the doctor, the insurance company will pay your bills for you. 医疗保险就是你每个月付少量的钱,但如果你(生病)必须去看医生,保险公司会为你负担费用。 4) Nix: free, without charge 无,空:免费,没有收费 ex:The bar was offering beer for nix, so I didn't spend a cent the whole evening. 酒吧提供免费的啤酒,因此我整晚没有花一分钱。 Ⅲ.课文篇 Your health is the most important thing you have. Being healthy is more important than having money, more important than your family and more important than your job. It is vital therefore that you look after your health and well-being. 你的健康是你所拥有的最重要的东西。身体健康比有钱重要得多,而且比你的家庭和你的工作更重要。它是如此的至关重大,因此你(必须)照顾好你的健康和幸福。 In most countries, the public health system is adequate but not really suitable if you are going to have a long stay in hospital or if you need specialist care. With the costs of doctors, hospitals and drugs rapidly increasing, many people are taking out health insurance policies to cover themselves against financial ruin if they get sick. 在大多数国家,公共健康体系是健全的,但是在你需要住院很长时间,或者需要特殊照顾的情况下,就不(那么)适合了。随着医生、医院和药品的价格急速增长,很多人采取医疗保险,来保护他们自己以免遭受财政损失。 Often your company will include health insurance as a part of your salary package. Your company will negotiate a good deal with an insurance company and then make the monthly payments on your behalf. Because your company is buying several policies at the same time, they can usually negotiate a better rate than you would be able to by yourself. 你的公司经常会将医疗保险做为你薪酬的一部分。你的公司会与一个保险公司洽谈,达成不错的协议,然后每个月为你付费。因为你的公司同时会买好几个保险,他们经常能商谈达成一个你个人不可能得到的好价钱。 If you do have medical insurance and have to go to the doctor, hospital or dentist, make sure you get a receipt. Once you have returned to work, ask the Human Resources manager if there is a special form you need to complete and show the manager the receipt from the hospital. 如果你确实有医疗保险,并且必须去看医生,去医院或者牙医,要确保你拿到发票。当你回去工作时,向人事部经理询问你是否需要填写一张特殊表格,并且向经理出示医院的发票。 Health insurance can be expensive, but you can reduce the cost by having your employer take care of it for you. Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident or get sick. Plan ahead and get yourself covered. 医疗保险可能会很昂贵,但是你可以用使你的雇主为你处理而削减费用。医疗保险是思想的解放 - 你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。提前计划,以便此费用的负担。 Ⅳ.对话篇 Jeff: Do you mind if I leave work early today Joan? 捷夫:琼,你介意如果我今天早点下班吗? Joan: No, not at all. Can I ask where you are going? 琼:一点也不。我能问你要去哪儿吗? Jeff: I have an appointment at the dentist to have my teeth professionally cleaned. 捷夫:我和牙医约好,要做专业洗牙。 Joan: That sounds expensive! 琼:那听起来很贵! Jeff: It will be, but I can claim the cost on the company health insurance policy. 捷夫:会的,但是我的费用可以由公司的医疗保险付。 Joan: So you get your teeth cleaned by a dentist for free? 琼:所以,你由牙医洗牙是免费的? Jeff: That's right! It sounds like a bargain to me. 捷夫:对!听起来是一笔好买卖。 Joan: Make sure you bring me the one of the dentist's business cards so that I can make an appointment later! 琼:你一定要给我带一张那个牙医的名片,好让我以后也能约见他。