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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! “精卫填海”(Jingwei Filling the Sea)是中国的一个神话故事。根据古代作品《山海经》(Shan Hai Jing) 的记载,太阳神最小最疼爱的女儿名叫女娃。有一天,女娃划着一只小船独自去东海太阳升起的地方。不幸的是,海风来了,山一样的波涛掀翻了小船。女娃的生命葬送在无情的大海里。她死后变成一只有红色爪子和白喙的小鸟,发誓要填平大海。
“Jingwei Filling the Sea” is a Chinese mythological story. According to the ancient work Shan Hai Jing,the youngest and most favored daughter of the Sun God was named Nvwa. One day,Nvwa was rowing a small boat by herself toward the East Sea sun-rising spot.Unfortunately,a sea storm came and mountain-like waves capsized the small boat.Nvwa lost her life to the merciless sea.After she died,Nvwa turned into abird with red claws and a white beak,vowing to fill up the sea.