

时间:2021-07-30 12:53:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时间管理是指通过事先规划和运用一定的技巧、方法与工具实现对时间的灵活以及有效运用,从而实现个人或组织的既定目标的过程。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everyone has only 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds a day! This data is the same for everyone, so why does everyone create different wealth? Why does Bill Gates create more value every minute than himself? Successful people, do they just have the reason to stand on the shoulders of giants and surpass others? After reading the book time management, I think the reason why successful people succeed is that they spend all their time doing the most valuable things!

  Time management can only show its effect on people with goals, because it restricts your schedule and ensures that you are doing the most valuable thing in your life every second! A clear life goal will make you concentrate on the most important task, so your life goal will directly affect your grasp of time!

  The book introduces several very useful time allocation management methods, and constantly strongly refuses to do things unrelated to life goals! How to make a better overall plan is mainly reflected in a schedule, which locks in what should be done at what time of the day! At the same time, they must have the evaluation consciousness of dealing with the priorities of things, use the methods of verification objectives, classification processing, authorization to improve the allocation of time, and strive to overcome some procrastination and procrastination habits, skillfully deal with the time-consuming telephone, chat, appointment, meeting, etc., so that they have more time to do more valuable things, and let the unit time create value!

  There is a story in this book: it is said that there is a kind of unusual bird growing on the cliff of Wutai Mountain: it has four feet and two bare wings, but it will not fly like ordinary birds. People call it "Hanhao bird". In a spring when grass grows and warblers fly, in a summer when grass is green and trees are green, and in an autumn when rice is fragrant all over the sky, the cold trumpeter wanders around all day, and shows its colorful feathers to other birds with pride. With the coming of winter, other birds are busy: some of them begin to fly to the South together to prepare for a warm winter; Those who stay are busy accumulating food and building nests with grass. In a twinkling of an eye, when winter comes, the weather gets colder and colder day by day. All the other birds put on their new down clothes and stay in the warm nest. At this time, the bird's beautiful feathers are all gone. At night, it hid in the cracks of the stone, shivering with cold, it kept shouting: "I'm freezing to death! I'm freezing! The nest will be built tomorrow! I'm freezing! The nest will be built tomorrow! When the sun comes out and the warm sunshine shines, the horn bird forgets the cold of the night, so it keeps singing: "muddle along! muddle along! Warm in the sun! It's warm in the sun In this way, the horn bird lived day by day, never built a nest for itself, and finally froze to death in the crevice of the rock. " Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow, that's how the hummingbird comforts itself. But we don't know that tomorrow is enough to bring it to the grave, so we must finish what we do today.

  In fact, the management of time allocation is not complicated. Many people have all kinds of ideals when they were young. Until now, many people have realized that they are only entangled in the present affairs every day, and are easily tempted by the outside world to muddle along, so that time passes in a hurry. We live in an era of racing against time, and we must know how to cherish time. After all, every inch of time is worth every inch of money, An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time! As Guo Moruo said: time is life, time is speed, time is power.


  I was surprised to read almost all the contents of the fifth generation of time management in one breath. I was surprised that time was important. People's life was short. Time was fair to everyone, no difference of one minute and one second. But some people created more profits in the same time. More people said: if I could give me more time, I would do better than him, What does it say? How to allocate time and make reasonable use of time, I found the answer from this book.

  1: Arrange the time reasonably.

  Every day we are busy to work and life for ourselves. In the end, we always feel that nothing is done well. Even if we do, it is not perfect. There are many regrets left. This is that there is no reasonable arrangement of time. Every time the company finishes the competition in one stage, there will always be many people because of the lack of such a task, They are very dedicated to their dedication and worth studying. But is it true that the customer agrees to take insurance by this day? Impossible, but there was no reasonable arrangement of time before, most of the time wasted on some customers who are not important or even impossible to insure. There are also many that think the time is still early. So many days before the competition. It is not urgent to do things in front of them, so this situation will happen.

  2: Distinguish the importance of things.

  I used to have a habit: every day to do things, people to meet have to write down with a small book, finish everything and tick off, and write the results of the matter, although it has brought a lot of help to themselves, but they are trapped in the hands and feet, show passive, and often be disturbed by some unexpected things, The income is very high. Everyone has a lot of things to do every day, such as work, life, family, friends, social, etc. if we prioritize everything, list the order, according to the things we must do, what we should do, what we can do, what we can do, ask others to help with the things and things that need not be done, Then we can arrange work successfully and reasonably, accumulate more time to do more important things, can we achieve our own goals?

  3: Set goals and create benefits.

  Every year, the company has given us all the goals from the opening ceremony to the competitions. We also strive for it. Some people succeed and others fail. Are the successful people limited to that point of success? Can a failure fail, but not a success? In fact, no one can succeed and can play better. But we have not set goals for ourselves, but it is limited to the frame of the company competition. If we set a life goal and annual goal for ourselves, we will strive to achieve this goal, arrange the time reasonably, distinguish the importance of the matter, and do it step by step towards the goal, So why don't we stop at this competition goal. If we ask ourselves to eat three sleeps, five jobs and sixteen, and how can we not achieve our goal of a great life if we ask ourselves to eat three sleeps and five to sixteen, and how can we worry about the tasks of each stage of the company? I think the whole world will give in to someone who is committed to his goal.


  In this colorful and chaotic world, it is difficult to insist on taking some time to read all kinds of books every day. Through the threat of assessment by reading clubs and various systems of the company, we can arrange time to read every day. As time goes on, we can form habits, which is also an important factor affecting time management.

  Time management can only show its effectiveness on people with goals, because it restricts your schedule and ensures that you are doing the most valuable thing every second. A clear work plan goal will make you concentrate on the most important tasks, so the work plan goal and personal goal will directly affect your grasp of time.

  I am a procrastinator. I am always disturbed by all kinds of things. Sometimes things are not light and urgent. I can't finish my original plan. I seem to be busy all day. I'm tired and busy, but I don't get much.

  After reading time management, I consciously plan my time every day and concentrate on the important work or things. It is meaningless to invest too much time and energy in the low value things, but the more important activities often require more efforts. So only by careful planning can we get the best harvest in the least time.

