
时间:2023-07-27 01:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】光阴似箭,日月如梭,一个快乐的暑假即将结束,让我来回忆一下我暑假的生活吧!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《暑假生活英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.暑假生活英语作文范文 篇一

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. In a flash, summer vacation life is about to end. I have had a fulfilling and interesting summer vacation. During this summer vacation, I have improved many abilities, learned many things that I had not learned before, and also learned many life skills.

  During the summer vacation, I have a very fulfilling day. I usually wake up at 7:30 in the morning and have breakfast at around 8 o'clock. After breakfast, go watch TV for a while, and sometimes watch red movies; Sometimes after watching 'The Age of Awakening', I would go and read extracurricular classics or do some homework. Then I will go watch the news and pay attention to the major events that have occurred. I also read novels during my break time.

  When I need to clean the house, I will do my best to help my parents with household chores, such as washing the balcony, sweeping and mopping the floor, and organizing the room.

  Every day, I allocate a certain amount of time to exercise, exercise, and sometimes go swimming; Sometimes I go for a run; Sometimes I go to play badminton with my brother, and everyday life is full of fun. Sometimes, I also go to play basketball with my classmates. It usually takes three or four hours, and my basketball skills have also greatly improved; Sometimes, I make an appointment with my cousin to go to the library to read books, and I also borrow books to take home for reading; I also come to the booth to help my parents with some packaging work. The summer vacation is about to pass, and the time to return to school is getting closer and closer. My heart is both reluctant and joyful.

  In this summer vacation, I have become more mature and learned more knowledge, which is my summer life!

2.暑假生活英语作文范文 篇二

  This summer vacation, I had a very fulfilling and colorful time. I actively participated in various activities and gained a rich and colorful summer vacation.

  The first is swimming. My mother applied for a swimming training class for me to learn Freestyle swimming. At the end of each class, my arms and thighs were sore. But I felt very happy and regretful when I saw every progress. After more than ten classes, I basically mastered the skills of Freestyle swimming, and I think that if you pay, you will reap!

  The second is hiking. In July, I could only walk a few hundred steps per day, and I hardly wanted to move except when necessary. In August, I went on a trip and took more and more steps. My skin tanned, giving me a healthy and lively feeling. Not only has the appearance changed, but the body has also become much stronger. It's not worth taking ten thousand steps now.

  The third is tourism. I went to Lishan and Zhangjiajie this summer vacation. Both places have beautiful scenery, with natural mountains and rivers. The water is crystal clear and extremely cold; The mountain towered into the clouds, soaring into the sky, majestic and magnificent. The difference is that Lishan also has Shunwang Ping: the green lawn is full of flowers of different colors. Looking up, there is a blue sky, dotted with marshmallow like clouds and stars, like a beautiful painting. Zhangjiajie is charming. There is an article called "The Charming Zhangjiajie", and upon seeing it today, it is indeed so.

  School is about to start. These memories can only be savored slowly in the future.

3.暑假生活英语作文范文 篇三

  The first stop of summer vacation: I went to Liuzhou to study and write a composition. For the first time, I went to the scenic spots, took notes, returned to the hotel, and then wrote a composition. I think my composition will make the teacher both satisfied and happy.

  Speaking of activities, let me come straight to the point and tell you about my summer vacation experience! The first activity was to go to the vegetable garden to cut vegetables. I learned a lot of agricultural work, and then put the vegetables on the roadside. I grouped them together and started selling them at the market roadside. Our group sold out the vegetables first and helped the other group sell them together. This activity made me realize the hardships of the farmer uncle.

  The second activity was working as a librarian in the library for five days, where we learned to use computers to return books. The teacher said to take good care of books and put them back in their original positions after reading. I made many friends in the library. By chance, while organizing books, I met my classmate. After saying hello to her, I quickly turned around to organize the books because there were still many books that I needed to organize!

  When it comes to sports, sports are essential. I once invited everyone to play football, and when I came to kick off, I kicked the ball towards the opponent's goal. "It's not good," and the other team member made a "kick back," which was to forcefully turn the ball and fly towards me. It scared me to death. I blocked it with my foot, and the ball entered my foot again. My foot kicked hard, and finally, I kicked the ball into the opponent's goal. Wow! We won!

  This summer vacation has made me happy and satisfied.

4.暑假生活英语作文范文 篇四

  Summer vacation has arrived, and a semester of hard work has come to an end. The students have relaxed, and a happy and interesting summer vacation has arrived.

  And the place I'm going to this time is Beihai, I heard it's a beautiful place!

  After arriving in Beihai and finding accommodation for junior high school, our first place to visit was Beihai Yintan. We brought our swimsuits and took a car to Yintan.

  Wow! This is the Silver Beach, the golden sand beach, the boundless sea, the azure sky, and the sea constantly rushing towards us with waves. It's extremely beautiful!

  My sister and I changed into swimsuits and couldn't wait to run towards the beach. Waves rushed towards us, and laughter came from our mouths. We were so happy!

  That mischievous sister has caused me to choke on seawater several times, coughing, coughing, coughing, it's unbearable!

  When soaking in the seawater, the seawater shook us back and forth like a mother in a rocking bed, which was very comfortable. After feeling it, my sister and I started catching small crabs. On the beach, there were countless small holes, and there were small crabs in the holes. Some small crabs would automatically come out of the holes, so we caught them!

  After leaving the Silver Beach, we arrived at Weizhou Island by ship. When we arrived, we went straight to the beach. That feeling was great! Sitting on the beach, looking at the sea, drinking the coconut just picked from the tree, it's amazing!

  After resting, I stepped on the beach, picking up shells and coral stones, with my hands facing the sea and looking up at the sky

  The golden beaches, the azure sea, and the scattered waves are my beautiful memories of being in the North Sea.

5.暑假生活英语作文范文 篇五

  The long awaited summer vacation has finally arrived, and I am happy like a bird flying out of its cage.

  In the afternoon, both father and mother are at home, mother is cooking in the kitchen, and father is sleeping in the bedroom. I ate watermelon in the living room and watched TV. The name of the TV program was Aerial China. It was a documentary that mentioned the Great Wall in Beijing. The winding and continuous Great Wall immediately attracted me. I really want to witness the true face of the Great Wall with my own eyes!

  So, I ran to my mother and asked, "Can we go to the Great Wall to play?" My mother said, "Of course we can, but it's already afternoon. Let's go tomorrow morning!" I said happily, "Alright! Alright

  On the second day, I woke up early, dressed, and ate. Let's go! Dad drove us to the airport, where we boarded the plane. Four hours later, we arrived in Beijing. In Beijing, we rented a taxi and ran all the way to the Great Wall. As soon as I got off the car, I saw a large, long, winding Great Wall like a giant dragon. Its majesty and grandeur remind me of a song: 'Dragon, dragon, shine your eyes forever and ever...' So, I sang and climbed the majestic Great Wall. On the Great Wall, I saw the beacon tower that used to "play the war on princes", saw Lady Meng Jiang crying down the Great Wall, and saw Badaling, which stretches in all directions but has a dangerous terrain. Along the way, I felt the majesty of the Great Wall. These are enough to make me deeply shocked by it... However, time is always cruel. In a few days, we will be leaving. Before leaving, I begged my mother, "Mom, can we play for a few more days?" My mother said, "School is about to start. If we don't go back, we can't

  Oh, if only this summer vacation could be longer!
