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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到,给身体放个假,多点休息;给心情放个假,多点笑意;给情绪放个假,多点轻松;给生活放个假,多点甜蜜。祝你暑假多快乐,生活最美丽!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《暑假见闻英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.暑假见闻英语日记 篇一

  Today, it was a special lunch trip, and I walked out of the house with joyful steps.

  According to the previous day's route plan, we are going to China Resources Supermarket to buy shrimp slides to avoid another shortage. After buying shrimp slides, we began to go to the Haidilao. Firstly, you need to cross a traffic light road. After crossing the road, you will come to a sheep intestines alley with some trees planted on both sides. Its waist is very sturdy, and its branches are also very strong. The wind blows slightly, and the small leaves on the branches swing, emitting a "rustling" smile. Passing through the alley, we saw the next traffic light, and passing through it, we arrived at our destination. The first leg of the journey has come to an end.

  After we came to Haidilao, a warm little sister greeted us and led us to our seats. My sister took the tablet and started ordering. I looked around bored, hoping to serve the dishes quickly and eat hot pot quickly. After a while, the waiter pushed the side cart towards us, and at this moment, they were like giant stars walking on the red carpet, shining brightly. The waiter warmly handed us an apron to prevent oil stains from climbing onto our clothes. What a thoughtful and beautiful sister

  Unconsciously, those lovely ingredients became ripe. I gently picked up a piece of beef and put it into my mouth. The taste of QQ bouncing beef and the soup bottom blended with each other, and the fragrance of a bite still leaves me with an endless aftertaste. Happy times are always short. I patted my chubby belly and quietly belched.

  After my sister finished paying the bill, I took her hand and walked home. When I walked into the Sheep Intestine Alley again, it was already dark and the surroundings were quiet, leaving only the roadside lights emitting a faint yellow light above my head and us returning home.

2.暑假见闻英语日记 篇二

  During the summer vacation, you have experienced many things, many of which have been forgotten and vividly remembered, as if they had just happened.

  I remember at the beginning of August, my mother took me and her friends to Lushan to play. On the morning of our trip, we went to the railway station to take a train. We were supposed to be on the train for an hour or two, and then we got off the train. After getting off the train, we saw a group of cars pulling people to Lushan, so we prepared to take their car to Lushan. We had originally planned to take a cableway to Lushan, but they said that taking a cableway would not make it, They were able to pull us up Mount Lu, so we got into their car and somehow got a tour of Mount Lu at his place.

  Our journey began in the afternoon. First, we went to the museum in Lushan. We should have played there for more than 20 minutes, and then we came out. Anyway, I have also been there, so I didn't say anything, so we went to the next place... In the evening, we went to the commercial street in Lushan to play, and then we went back to the hotel. We have to get up early tomorrow to see the sun.

  The next day, we got up at around four o'clock. When we got married, I was still talking to my friend about midnight fright. When we arrived at the place where we were watching the sunrise, we found that there was a lot of fog. Gradually, more and more people grew up. When the sun was about to rise, there was still a lot of fog. It seemed that we couldn't see the sunrise today, so we went to climb the Wulao Peak

  Gradually, we finished playing all the places and were about to go back. Originally, we said we were going to Kyushu to play, but we just went back and had a great time.

3.暑假见闻英语日记 篇三

  On the road of life, we need to constantly walk, and on the way, we will encounter various people. These people will bring us different inspirations, some of which are hidden treasures and some are unknown traps. It may bring us destruction, or it may bring us new life.

  In this summer vacation, I met the person who brought me new life. At that time, it was the middle of the summer vacation, the time when July and August passed, and it was also the laziest time for me throughout the entire summer vacation. At this time, due to the fact that there is still one month left during the summer vacation, I am not planning to do summer homework or review courses that I did not learn well last semester. But it was at this moment that I met the person who sounded the alarm for me.

  Although he was just a beggar, he still sounded a heavy alarm for me. At a station, I met him, and at that time, I was only a little curious about him. Why would a person with all limbs and strong physique become a beggar? With this question in mind, I asked him puzzled, "Why did you become a beggar? Is there anything wrong with your body?" He was stunned, perhaps he didn't expect anyone to ask him this question. After a while, he replied to me, "No, it's not. I don't have any physical problems. It's just that I was lazy when I was a child and didn't study hard, so I didn't have a job." I couldn't help but ask again, "Then you can go work, move bricks, clean up, and so on." He smiled wryly and said, "I told you before, I'm very lazy

  I ended my conversation with him and slowly walked home alone, contemplating the conversation. Suddenly, I realized that if I didn't change myself, perhaps I would be the person I am now when I grow up.

  Everything I do now may affect me in the future. I can't be lazy anymore. Now, I am very grateful to that beggar because he made me understand that a good habit and study have a huge impact on my future life.

4.暑假见闻英语日记 篇四

  On a very hot summer vacation, when the sun could burn my hair, I unexpectedly followed my grandfather to the countryside.

  At home, I refuse very much because the weather is too hot and I have to wear a mask. When I think about the possibility that there may not be air conditioning in the countryside, it is said that the countryside is very backward, so I refuse very much. But my grandfather mentioned that the countryside would be very interesting. Listening to my grandfather's words, I became interested in going to the countryside. On the train, I kept asking my grandfather what he was like, but he just didn't say it. You'll know if he had to say it. This has made my curiosity stronger and stronger.

  As soon as the train arrived at the station, we took a bus and got off at a crowded place. Grandpa said it would be there soon. After walking for several hours, we finally arrived at the interesting place in Grandpa's mouth, and the number of people here clearly decreased.

  At first glance, it turned out to be a rural area, and at first glance, it looked like endless fields and hardworking farmers. I was a bit shocked at the time, but my mouth was too thirsty to allow me to sigh anymore. I told my grandfather that I was thirsty, but he reluctantly said that there was no supermarket here yet. A passing grandpa heard a very enthusiastic saying, "You can come to my house to drink water!" I quickly said, "Thank you!" The grandpa also smiled and said, "It's okay." The water he drank had a hint of sweetness, and I thought to myself that even wearing a mask couldn't stop the grandpa's hospitality. After drinking the water, we said goodbye. After a few minutes, I arrived at my grandfather's friend's house, where almost every room had air conditioning. It's already evening,

  I wanted to sleep until dinner, but my grandfather asked me to go out and take a look. Outside, the sun was about to set, and the sun was so big that even the sky became red. And the farmers who were about to go home picked up their hoes and prepared to go home. After returning to my grandfather's friend's house and having a delicious dinner, we went out for a walk together and walked to the nearby city. It was really bustling with lights, wine, and people. After taking a walk, when I returned to my friend's house, there happened to be a cool breeze blowing through, which seemed to be the end of this hot day.

  After a day, we went home. This trip to the countryside was really interesting, and it made a huge change in my view of the countryside. The people here are warm and hospitable, the environment here is green and the life here is not backward. This is really a special summer vacation!

5.暑假见闻英语日记 篇五

  Every day of summer life is always colorful. It's memorable. Our family went to the beautiful Ganzhou this time.

  On August 14th, at 11:40 am, our whole family boarded the train to Ganzhou and embarked on our journey to Ganzhou. Ten minutes later, the train started. Looking out of the car window, the scenery quickly recedes. In the clear blue sky outside, pure white and soft clouds float leisurely, some like foxes and some like pigs, very cute. The villages on both sides are shrouded in smoke and very pleasant.

  Entering the zoo in Nankang City, the first thing that catches your eye is a lush and lush forest, where you can occasionally hear two or three bird songs from among the trees; Walking on the shady path leads to the animal show. The performance began, and the animals performed vividly.

  The lion was fierce, and its deep, bell-like roar sounded: heavy and sorrowful, earth shattering, with a deep and low voice at the end, resembling a person's breathing. The lion was terrifying and terrifying in size. It was originally lying in a cage, but now it turned around and stretched out a paw, stretching out a lazy waist; Then he opened his mouth and calmly yawned, spitting out a tongue with two palms or so to lick the dust around his eyes. He washed his face, and then his fiery eyes stared at me, which was enough to make a brave warrior afraid.

  The feathers of a white swan are pure white and smooth, without any speckles. It has a slender neck, large and plump wings, and the sparkling lake reflects the graceful swan, which is truly beautiful.

  Walking on the path, the gusts of fresh breeze and the scent of grass and trees blowing head-on exude a heartwarming sensation. The white doves sing in the branches, the Red-crowned crane cross the shore and make joyful calls. The swans sometimes play on the lake, sometimes hover with their heads bent, and the peacocks in the distance are quietly looking for food.

  Time slowly passes, and our journey is coming to an end, bringing us infinite joy and reluctance.
