

时间:2022-05-05 05:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  a case in point 恰当的例子
  a fraction of 一小部分
  a narrow escape 死里逃生,九死一生
  a piece of cake 容易的事,小事一桩
  a sore throat 嗓子痛
  a stone’s throw 一箭之遥,很近
  a variety of 各种各样的
  account for 解释,是……的原因
  against one’s will 违背某人的意愿
  agree on 就……达成一致
  agree with 同意(某人),(食物,气候等)适合某人
  ahead of time/schedule 提前
  air crash 空难
  all the year round 一年到头
  another cup of tea/another pair of shoes 另外一回事,另当别论
  anything but 决不
  apart from 除了
  appeal to 吸引
  apply for 申请
  apple of one’s eye 钟爱之物,宠儿
  apt to 有……的倾向
  approve of 赞同,认可
  as fit as a fiddle 很健康
  as a matter of fact 事实上
  as a result 由于
  as a rule 通常
  as usual 跟往常一样
  as a whole 总体上
  as far as I know 据我所知
  as luck would have it 碰巧
  at a loss 不知所措
  at a discount 低于正常价格
  at ease 放松,轻松
  at no time 在任何时候都不,决不
  at one’s wit’s end 智穷计尽,没有办法
  at random 随意的本文来源:考试大网
  at short notice 一得到通知马上就……
  at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
  at the tip of one’s tongue 话到嘴边,一时想不起
  at times 有时,不时地
  back issue/current issue 过刊/现刊
  be available 有,可提供
  be around 露面
  be bound for (车等)开往
  be bound to 肯定会
  be far from 远不是,根本不是
  be fed up with 对……厌倦,讨厌
  be fond of 喜欢
  be free of 免除,脱离
  be no exception 不例外
  beat about the bush 不直截了当,绕圈子
  behind schedule (车,飞机等)晚点
  beside the point 离题,不中肯
  bite off more than one can chew 承担太多的工作而无法完成,好高骛远
  born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth 出身富贵
  break one’s word 毁约,说话不算数
  break down (车等)出故障
  break one’s word 食言,失信
  break off 暂停工作
  bring up 抚养
  by all means 当然,一定
  by and large 总的来说,大体上
  by chance 偶然,意外地
  by nature 天性
  by leaps and bounds 极快的,大幅度的
  by no means 一点也不,决不

