Task 5:
1. The woman is working as a teaching assistant for a professor and she's supposed to grade like 40 exam sheets which is due the next day. But she forgot that she's got other work to do tonight. The first solution is to talk to her professor to reschedule the job. The second solution is to stay up late for both tasks.
2. 某女打翻了东西在她马上要交的paper上,课15分钟就要开始了,她自己给了2种选择,一是还是交,给老师解释一下,二是跑去重新打印一份,后来她选择了后者,但是上课迟到了,还被老师给说了,然后要我们给一个solution,再给理由
3. 女生的室友转校搬走了,她一个人付不起房租。有两个办法:第一是去打工,但她这学期非常忙还有论文要写,怕影响学习。第二是再找个人合租,但是房子比较小,她和之前的室友是因为时间安排正好能错开,才能成功合租的,她怕找不到合适的人合租。
Task 6:
1. The professor talks about why solidarity develops in different societies.
One reason is that all society members do the same kind of job. For example, people in rural areas are mainly farmers who deal with basic work and so they share similar lives. Solidarity develops in this society because the same job creates a sense of unity.
The other reason is because of different divisions of job. For instance, people in town have different tasks like doctors and stuff, and they are interdependent. Solidarity develops in this kind of society because people depend on each other.
2. Soil中也有生存的mammal . Firstly, they must be able to move, for the soil is not like the water, it's thick and condense. 2, able to protect themselves from things like the particles in soil.
接着教授举了2 examples. 1,mow, has strong feet, like the shovel, that can dig deeply 2, ……。 has tiny eyes, also have hair that cover their eye from particle infection.
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