【#英语口语# 导语】托福口语的模版就是在发现了题目的共通模式后,整理出现成的可以套用到任意题目中去的语段。大家可以借助模版帮助理解以及记忆答题套路。以下是®文档大全网整理的托福口语各题型的模板范文,欢迎阅读!
According to the announcement, the university has decided to cancel the international news section, because other news sources could have a better coverage of that section and the new space could be used for listing events and activities around the campus.
In the listening material, the woman thinks that it's a good change. ‘Cause very few students would read the international news section. Before the campus paper getting around the campus, students have already known the major stories from local paper or from the internet.
As to use the new space to list campus events and activities, it would be very helpful for the students. ‘Cause right now, some of the information are posted everywhere, and are hard to be kept track of. If they are listed in the campus newspaper, students could just cut it out, carry it around, and check it anytime, anywhere.
The reading passage introduces the concept of reference group, which means the groups of people who we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate.
In the listening material, the professor uses his own example to explain how his behavior was affected by two different reference groups.
When he started his university study, he always hung out with some arts students. He thought they were cool and he really admired them. So he started to imitate their casual dressing style, like dressing in the T-shirts and jeans and sneakers. These arts students could be considered as his first reference group.
After graduation, he got a job in a company. He thought his colleagues were really impressive. So he started to spend weekends with them, and changed his attitude, his taste of the dressing style, from the casual one to a nicer and a little more formal one. It’s a good example of how his reference groups had changed because of the change of his age and circumstance.
The man has a problem. There is a new bus schedule and the bus will leave earlier, which means after his chemistry class, he couldn’t catch the bus in time to his work.
There are two solutions to this problem.
He could either start his work later or ride a bike to his working place after the chemistry class.
Personally, I recommend him to ride his own bike.
Because it’s not far and will take him only 15 mins. Plus, he could get some exercise from riding. I know there would be bad weather sometimes, but I think he just could take an umbrella with him.
Besides, if he starts his work on time, he needn’t to work late at night and could have a good rest, so it won’t influence his next day’s classes.
The professor talks about two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.
The first way is active trap, which means the plants could move to capture the insects. Like the Venus flytrap, The sweet nectars on their leaves could attract insects. When insects land on their leaves, the leaves actively get closed and form a cage, so the insects couldn’t fly away. Then, the Venus flytrap could get the nutrients from the insects.
The second way is passive trap, which means the plants don’t have any moving parts to trap things. Like the sundew plants. They produce some sweet stuff to attract the insects as well. Though they don’t move at all, they can produce something sticky. When insects land on their leaves, the insects get glued and trapped there. In this way, the sundew plants could absorb the nutrients from the insects.
综合口语任务的难点在于理解、记录听力内容,并用自己的话做口语复述,也就是我们常说的paraphrase (意译)。可以先锻炼自己听抄、听记的能力,然后练习将记录的信息用口语自然的表述。每道题按此方法反复练习几遍,必会听力和口语表达能力。
在新托福考试的6道题目中,只有前两道题目是独立性作业(independent speaking task),而后四道题目则是考察考生听力,阅读与口语的有机结合以及综合运用,相对来说其答案更加的灵活。但是,对考生来说,即使老师将套路总结出来,也需要时间的适应以及大量的运用和练习,才有可能驾驭一套固定的思路,从而运用到各种各样的题目中。而且,新托福口语在第三至第六部分中还有一个对循声极大的挑战,那就是在题目出现的听力和阅读材料。
相比而言,新托福口语的前两道题目则没有给考生较多发挥的空间。一直以来,网上就盛传各种各样的新托福口语考试题以及第二题的模板,学生纷纷的效仿。总体来说,对于水平比较有限的学生来说,这一招还是比较能够产生实际效果的。但是,在任何考试的模板使用中,都会有同样的两个问题:1. 当太多人都去用同样的模板时,就会产生大家说的都是同样的内容,而使考官失去了新鲜感。2. 考生在考前并没有做相对应的准备,所以造成时候考生拿着模板生搬硬套到一个题目上。所以,针对网络上流行的模板,考生们还需要慎重。
1、Independent Topics题型
Independent task 1是Free Choice题,要求考生就某一常规话题用英语做45秒钟的陈述。比如 Describe the place you live in与Which city do you travel to most、Who is the person you admire most与Whom would you choose to visit for one hour就可以相互借用大部分内容。考生对于这道题的预备应主要集中在people、place、object、event 这几个大方面。建议考生扎实预备OG、Longman 综合教程以及口语特训等教材上的题目,虽然在考试时直接考到它们的几率并不大,但是在复习过程中预备过的具体内容在考场上的作用却大。
Independent task 2是Paired Choice题,也就是要求考生在提供的两个选择中选择自己喜欢的一个,并用details和examples支持自己的观点。如 If you could choose to live in the city or live in the country areas, which lifestyle would you prefer and why,考生需要做的是迅速确定自己的立场,其余的按照 Free Choice的预备就可以了,同时比Free Choice的表述是考生可以采用抨击另一种观点的方式来预备details,如考生可以陈述live in the city的不好来表达自己的观点Do you agree or disagree或者compare and contrast的形式出现,对于后者而言,考生不必表明自己的观点,只要陈述出两种选择的可比之处并加以诠释就可以了。
2、Integrated Tasks题型
第3~6题主要考查考生对于题目的认知程度,并依据reading和listening部分做好的notes进行有条理的、清楚的复述,或者加上自己的观点。对于考生来说,要充分理解题目,熟悉考题要求,充分理解它们分别要求自己做什么事情。首先,ETS 明确3、4题都不答应有任何的personal view,因此不答应出现I think 或As far as Im concerned...、In my opinion...之类的表达方式。而第5、6题则可根据具体要求加入考生的个人观点。
第3题要求考生在45秒之内读完一则notice或者 announcement,然后听一段对话或者monologue,在听力材料中,说话者将就阅读材料里提到的决定发表看法。而题目通常都是要求考生对于说话者的观点进行陈述,并且要求考生复述出他或她在表达自己观点时谈及的原因。所以看清楚题目要求自己复述的是一个人还是两个人的观点也重要。
第4题是关于学术讲座的复述。这个部分要求考生在45秒之内阅读一段学术内容的文章,然后听一段的讲座,需要注重的是的讲座可能是针对阅读材料中的某一个细节进行发散性的具体讲解。这个环节的题目要求是客观陈述是怎样以examples和details来阐释reading中出现的某个术语。第6题的处理方式与本题较为相似。因此在做reading notes时要争取记下提到的术语的定义或者对某科学现象的分类和发展阶段等重要信息;而在做listening notes时则要对的举例和分类做重点记录,同时在问题出现后要抓紧30秒钟时间对reading和listening notes进行合理组织,建议考生抓紧时间标记出topic sentence的key words和supporting details,并将它们编号,帮助自己理清陈述的思路。
第5题是problem-solution题型,考生只要根据listening notes陈述清楚对话中的位说话者的problem以及第二位说话者提供的solution,其次根据Paired Choice的模式表明自己的立场以及原因就可以了。