

时间:2021-08-09 02:21:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】中国有“书读百遍,其义自见”的古谚,一直在强调重复练习的重要性。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  秦始皇陵墓(the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang)坐落在 陕西省西安市临潼区以东5公里的骊山北部,是中国历第一个 皇帝的最终休眠之地。它于公元前246年开始建造,工程持续了38年。 它占地面积56.25平方公里,是中国历的陵墓。

  The Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, located at the northern foot of the Lishan Mountain five kilometers east of Lintong District, Xi’an City, Shanxi Province, is the final resting place of the first emperor in the history of China. Its construction lasted for 38 years, commencing in 246BC. With an area of 56.25 square kilometers, it’s the largest mausoleum in China’s history.



  联合国下属机构世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)公 布的数据显示,中国游客对全球旅游业的贡献。中国人去年花在出境游上的支出膨胀至1020亿美元,同2011年相比增长了 40%。 联合国世界旅游组织在其网站上发布的一份声明中说,这一增幅令 中国迅速超越德国和美国。后两者在之前是出境游支出的两个 国家。2012年德美两国出境旅游支出均同比增长6%,约840亿美元。

  The figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organiza¬tion show that Chinese travelers are making the most contributions to the global tourism industry. Chinese travelers spent a record $102 billion on outbound tourism last year, a 40% rise from 2011. That surge sent China screaming past Germany and the U.S. — the former No. 1 and No. 2 spenders, respectively 一 which both saw tourist outlays increase 6% year- on-year to around $84 billion in 2012, the UNWTO said in a statement on its website.



  在传统的中国家庭文化中,同一祖先的几代后裔(descendants) 居住在一起,形成一个大家庭。这种自治(autonomous)家族制度是 中国传统社会的基本单位。中国的孩子们跟随他们父亲的姓。这和 西方文化是一样的。如今在中国,孩子跟父亲的姓或母亲的姓在法 律上都是合法的。除了那些因为结婚加入到家庭中的人以外,人们 的姓氏都是一样的。

  In traditional Chinese family culture, descendants of several generations from the same ancestor lived together and formed a big fam¬ily system. This kind of autonomous family system was the basic unit of traditional Chinese society. Chinese children follow their father’s fam¬ily name. This is the same as western culture. Nowadays in China it is legally fine for a child to follow either father’s family name or mother’s family name. Within each family system, of course people except those who joined this family system through marriage all have the same family name. 

